More like Den of Boredom

For the first time in my life, I used three days to watch a movie and it still surprises me. When I saw the title of the movie and how it was all action/crime, I got excited. So then how did I end up using three days to watch a 2 hour movie? Hold on, I’ll tell you soon.

Den of thieves 2 is a 2025 action movie about high profile thieves who robbed a diamond center in one of the most secured buildings in Europe. They started off by learning about the building like their lives depended on it. Oh wait, their lives really depended on it. They got to know the nooks and crannies of the building and then decided to strike.

The movie started with a thrilling scene which took my attention and got me glued to my screen but honestly, that was it. That was the only part of the movie I enjoyed. Okay wait, and the plot twist. The storyline of the movie was raw but the twist got me a little shocked even though it was kind of predictable.

Thinking about this, I don’t even know the reason behind that twist because it really made no sense. Maybe the writer saw that the movie was rushed so he probably said let’s twist somethings here and there to keep viewers watching.

The question I kept asking myself when I was watching this movie was: were these actors paid? Paid in full? because what’s this? I don’t know what happened on set but for an action movie, there wasn’t much action at all. They did a lot of talking than action. There was this scene where one of the thieves shot a guard, apologized and then went ahead to try and save his life.

And there I was behind my screen shouting hello??? This was supposed to be an action movie full of crimes, do or die affairs. How are you even now trying to save your opponent when they are after you? Another thing that pissed me off in the end was the fact that these people spent a number of weeks or was it even a month planning this heist only to mess up? So what was the point? Or maybe that was the whole point of the movie.

In all that, I thought maybe the cinematography was going to make up for all the mistakes they did but sigh, nothing out of the ordinary caught my attention. Not really great angles which could blow my mind away. I was looking for something, something special or different to just compensate me but I never got any.

You probably already now get the reason why I used three days to watch the movie. Each time I sat behind my screen, I slept off. One minute I’d be awake because of the gunshots and right after that, I would find myself dozing the next minute. It was boring. I was disappointed in the producers and the actors. Come on, a whole 2025 heist and there was nothing special to show? Let’s leave it at 5/10.


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How you usually end up with the worst movies beats me o Abe dear 😁 😁😁

I deleted this movie from my phone when I got a briefing from a colleague about it. The things she said did not intrigue me at all and so I had no choice but to delete it.

Thanks for this review, have been seeing this movie on loklok and planning to give it a try but with this, I know I didn't miss out

Oh you didn’t miss out at all. You’re welcome.

Lolz 🤣🤣🤣 you quite funny i must confess, you used 3 days just to watch a movie that aint series and at the end it turns out to be Quake, well i was hoping with the title this is gonno be a badass movie but with you post nahhh am gonna skip this one out from my collection.

Yes please, you should skip it and save yourself the time.

I personally would flip if you spent months planning a heist categorically only for it to be messed up. You slept so that we could be awake. Thank you for your sacrifice, Yewande.😂

You slept so that we could be awake

I can’t stop laughing 🤣🤣

If I have to go by your review, then this film should be rated less than a 5. I liked the image but now I'm not interested in watching it.

5 is for their efforts. They tried.