RE: Landman: Taylor Sheridan Does It Again


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You and I agree on a lot, I've noticed, but on this one we differ dramatically. I only got through 3/4 of the first episode. At that point my husband turned to me and said, this isn't your kind of show (we've been married for almost 52 years, so he would know). He is so kind. I was controlling myself, because I didn't want to ruin the viewing experience for him. I was planning to decline politely watching further episodes when it was over. When he invited me to stop I gave a little cheer and turned the thing off promptly.

First of all, as you mention, the inappropriate sexualizing of the 17-year-old daughter was very offensive, especially in her relationship to her father. And then I had to wonder, does every woman in Texas wear a bra top, short shorts, and three inch nails?

Also, although BBT is a great actor, the lines he was given were a little over the top. Just terse one liners, no real conversation, no character depth.

You see...I really disliked that show :))

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My mom and dad tried to watch Yellowstone after I recommended it to them and they ended up not getting very far into it because they weren't able to handle the language. I totally get it. We are all very diverse people with different tastes and that's what makes us so special despite what the current sentiment is with diversity...