Squid game 2 has left an emptiness in me

Squid game is a series that I saw three years ago when it premiered, at that time I thought it was one of the best series I've seen because it's been a long time since I saw anything that caught me that way, characters that you get attached to quickly, a lot of terror in each game, deep stories in each character and a lot of cruelty, a very interesting proposal that certainly leaves you wanting more, time passed and I almost forgot that maybe there would be a new season until recently that the story revived and we knew that on December 26th finally the second installment of this series would be released, I really started watching it a little late because I've been busy with other things, however I just finished it yesterday and I was left with many doubts and too much anxiety, do not do this Netflix!
This season in my opinion started weak, little by little it was taking more my attention, unlike the first installment that caught me from chapter 1, even so I wanted to know what else was going to happen because obviously I could not miss this series that I consider this in my top favorite series, but even so I was left with many doubts, I really had no answers to anything and I feel this feeling of dissatisfaction and emptiness inside me, maybe I missed something but I never knew who she was and what is her purpose, I understand that this time we are seeing the opposite side of the game, we are seeing the story of one of the employees of this bloody game, another human being just like you and me, but as the series has so few chapters it doesn't finish concluding that part.
And it really felt like a small taste of what's to come, but at the same time it's not so well executed, as it leaves the viewer with too many questions, too many loose threads and too much information that I don't know how they'll manage to develop it all fully in the third season without saturating us too much or giving us only 7 chapters.
The first game is red light, green light, predictable, but something that took me by surprise was the incorporation of new games, I really expected them to be the same ones from season 1 and I really liked that they changed and so see something different, also in my opinion these games have the same level of angst as the others, really desperate.
However, everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to get too sad about the deaths, besides most of the dead people were extra characters, so far no main character has died and that partly makes me happy because despite the little time we have seen of them in this season you manage to empathize with some of them.
And, speaking of deaths, I must mention this character who really gave me a headache every time he was on screen, I hated him, I guess that was the goal, but still even though I felt a relief when he died, I feel like his death wasn't as epic as I imagined, I didn't expect it at all either, it felt weird, like he still shouldn't die since he seemed to be one of those evil characters that ruin your life in some way or another.
Let's move on to the disappointments, here we start with the policeman who never managed to do anything for 7 chapters hahaha, he even has an infiltrator and he hasn't even noticed, I was really bored with the scenes of these people, I hope that for next season it will be more interesting and they achieve something.
My other disappointment, I had too much faith in this character and when it came to the action he was simply too scared to do anything, he wasted ammunition to shoot like crazy, I really expected more from him.
And what he didn't give me, SHE gave me totally amazing this character, I confess that at first I was a little upset to see “forced inclusion” as it is something very common in the series or movies lately, however, this character is real, is special transmits you that naturalness that prevents it from looking forced, plus she has military experience and was a great help in the final fight, I really hope she survives.
I was very excited in this part when they managed to kill some of the guards and even took one hostage, I was hoping that in half an hour left of the chapter everything was going to be solved but...
I forgot the very small detail that this man was in that team, at times you could imagine that he was one of them even though you knew who he was, when I remembered I felt like an idiot and knew that this was not going to end in this season hahaha.
And although it hurt, I didn't feel the same impression with Jung-bae's death that I felt with the deaths in the first season, maybe that part was already predictable, I don't know.
The series was good, although it lacks more information and that bitter end that simply leaves you in the air, it started weak and gradually took more strength, the characters are quite interesting but we still need to delve a little deeper into the history of each one, I am very anxious to see the next season and understand how they will solve all this information in one season, I hope that at least they give us more chapters and continue to maintain that special essence that this series had, where it is not only to see people die but also to know the history of each one, issues that make us think and debate between good and evil and above all that SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE POST-CREDITS SCENE, my god it is too much to process.
No sabía si ver esta temporada, pero me dejaste intrigada con lo que nos cuentas. Por lo menos ya se que debo aguantarme para que los capítulos se vayan poniendo más interesantes, es bueno ese dato porque tal vez hubiese desertado al principio.
Gracias por la información y tu excelente post.
Muchas gracias! yo hubiese sabido eso antes y creeme que mejor espero a que salgan todos los cap
Season 2 sounds like a lot to process 😵💫. A lot of psychology at play i thos series.
But, to be frank, I couldn't get past episode 1 of season 1, it was too brutal for me to watch 😭.
Oww what a pity, the series is quite good but it does have very heavy images and touches on sensitive issues.
La temporada 2 creo que no etsa mal, mucho drama para mi gusto pero sin duda no decepciona.
Gracias por la reseña
Hay que ver como termina y a ver si llega al nivel de la primera temporada
Just started watching it the other day, the first episode wasn't bad. I quite liked the way it started, a fun introduction that had people running around looking to stop what was clearly impossible.
se ve buena, la expectativa de lo que pasara jeje, buen post!
looks good, the expectation of what will happen hehe, good post!
Sip ya quiero ver como sigue! 😁
The first episode was great but the rest were meh. I didn't like the ending and the middle of it wasn't that great. I wished TOP would still be alive but damn.
Hahaha yep, at a certain point it gets boring, now it's time to just wait and see what they have in store for the next season, hopefully they can raise the level of the series again.
I really hope so, considering the ending was left hanging. I was entirely surprised of the ending.
Me parece interesante que hayas notado que el ritmo fue más lento al inicio. A veces, las secuelas luchan por mantener la misma energía que la primera entrega. La evolución de los personajes es clave, y me alegra que hayas encontrado a un personaje nuevo que te haya sorprendido positivamente. Aun no la veo, pero ya se con que encontrarme! Saludos!
La trama posee un buen contestó, pero no me gustaron los dos primeros episodios. El mensaje también es dañino, pero hay una buena animación. Con relación a la crudeza es menor que la primera temporada. Hay varios personajes buenos, uno destaca más que el otro.
Igualmente, los dos primeros episodios me aburrieron mucho, pero tengo mucha fe de que se pondra mejor cuando este disponible la tercera temporada