Married... with Children - my favourite comedy show
a show that I was watching with my dad when I was young, was Married... with Children. We used to laugh a lot from it, as it was funny. Today's shows are woke or political correct, without having real humour behind them. Humour needs to be offensive, and I believe that. Also, most jokes I do, are about myself.
Television has changed, to the worst, as people that were having good jokes, have been cancelled. Married... with Children was mocking obesity, which is a big problem for any nation, maybe except North Korea, where communism stopped it, by letting the people starve. Today people are afraid to make jokes about obesity, and obesity is even applauded, by being called body positivity. The only positive thing about it are the plus kilograms. That is it. I'm also fat, and I mock myself by telling people that I'm in shape, round shape. It is not healthy, I'm aware of it, and try to get to a healthy shape.
Married... with Children was originally broadcast from April 5, 1987, to June 9, 1997. It was the longes running show on that channel. Why I write about it today? Beside the challenge that you can find at the bottom of the post, Ed O'Neill, who plays Al Bundy, had yesterday its birthday.
As the story tells, Al, scored four touchdowns in a single game for Polk High. Few people know that this comes from Ed O'Neill's life, as he was signed as an undrafted free agent by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1969, but was cut out, as he was competing with the soon-to-be Steel Curtain, which won the NFL in 1970. It was Ed's story transposed into the life of Al.
Like said, the series had a lot of humour into it. Even if sad, it depicts a family with its issue, dreams and reality, which sometimes can be beard only with humour. It does not censor itself in front of the hilarious issues of life, and shows the frustration of unfulfilled dreams. Some might find it offensive, as it is not political correct, but who cares, as it is real funny.
For me, it was the funniest 1980-1990 comedy sitcom aired.

How about you? Which was the show that you enjoyed?

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This was indeed a great show! I want to watch a few episodes now 😆
You should, at least for Polk High!
This was a lovely show😂😂😂
The jokes and punchlines made me laugh so hard.
Didn't know that the touchdowns happened in real life though :o