Behind the scenes from indie short ‘Dead Man’

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Behind the scenes from our latest collaboration started coming through 😍

We had a blast working with a director Dammy Ademola and the crew from It's Garra Studios 💪 and a very talented DOP - James McAllister from AWOL Media on set for the indie short ‘Dead Man’

Lighting the scenes and creating the mood were both great fun and a great experience.

Being a part of this project and working with such a talented group of people was a privilege.

And here is "Dead Man"

A few more photos with actresses who put on phenomenal performances.

It was a very busy day, but it was all worth it! Amazing experience!

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Wow we have Actresses on Hive ;)
Just wow


😆 It can't be the first time, you can find almost everything on Hive, right? 🤷