Cuatro días más es un film estrenado en el 2020, el director Rodrigo García, reconocido por series televisivas destacadas como Soprano o Carnivale, decide adaptar un hecho de la vida real a la gran pantalla. Es la historia de Molly una joven adicta que lleva varios intentos de recuperación por consumir opioides; resulta que, aparece una nueva alternativa, pero debe cumplir 4 días limpios. En el reto se le suma su madre Deb, quien junto a ella debe confiar en la relación madre e hija para estar en condiciones de recibir el tratamiento. Como observan es un tópico abordado en otros proyectos; no obstante, aquí la relación de madre e hija crea un estallido de incertidumbre y agotamiento que te llevan a pensar en el sufrimiento familiar y lo que concierne el bienestar de todos para estar en armonía como grupo que convive con el adicto.
Films that flirt with the Spectator allow us to validate what we observe as interesting. Sharing a story, regardless of the existence of similar stories, will depend on distancing oneself from other existing films; it is a matter of highlighting the idea from another point of view. When I saw Four Good Days, a plot similar to many stories told, there was an immediate deduction in the thread of the plot; however, from it, I rescued the following: family and self-love, which are important aspects of the message. It is a low-profile film, I suppose, because of the conventional way of carrying the content and the weakness of having a basic ending. There is something I must emphasize: doubt will always be present in the film, which is a powerful premise in the filming.
Four Good Days is a film released in 2020. The director, Rodrigo Garcia, recognized for outstanding television series such as Soprano or Carnivale, decides to adapt a real-life event to the big screen. It is the story of Molly, a young addict who has been trying to recover from opioid use several times. It turns out that a new alternative appears, but she must complete 4 clean days. She is joined in the challenge by her mother, Deb, who, together with her, must rely on the mother-daughter relationship to be able to receive the treatment. As you can see, this is a topic addressed in other projects; however, here the mother-daughter relationship creates a burst of uncertainty and exhaustion that leads you to think about the family suffering and what concerns the welfare of all to be in harmony as a group living with the addict.

El guion es una ruta sencilla que se enfoca en dos personajes fundamentales que buscan orquestar estabilidad. Dibujan los rasgos típicos del familiar traicionado y del adicto que busca cubrir un pensamiento mitómano. Las imágenes son escenas simples de grabación, son cambios sutiles de los personajes en primer plano que desarrollan el drama, situación evidente en las imágenes del inicio, donde los pies simbolizan el sostén de la felicidad y la tristeza que te guían hacia el llamado de la vida. Por otra parte, el vestuario y la escenografía representan el tiempo y la realidad de una madre que sostiene un techo en una zona tranquila.
La música es nostálgica, resalta el nivel de sensibilidad de Molly y los altibajos emotivos y sentimentales que siente al recordar o discutir con su madre, los cuales son signos de las personas adictas al expresar el sentir. Los diálogos llevan la narrativa bien organizada del tema, están cargados de significados, es decir, duda, preocupación, ansiedad, reproche, negligencia, irresponsabilidad, miedo y oportunidad. Todas las sensaciones serán atendidas por el amor "fracturado entre madre e hija". La película no tiene algo innovador, como mencioné en otras líneas, conocer el posible desenlace y el fin no me disgustó porque el drama de madre e hija se tejió en una red angustiosa.
The script is a straightforward journey that focuses on two pivotal characters seeking to orchestrate stability. They resort to the typical traits of the betrayed family member and the addict seeking to cover up a lying thought. The images are simple filming scenes with subtle changes of the characters in the foreground that develop the drama, a situation evident in the images at the beginning, where the feet symbolize the support of joy and sadness that guide you towards the call of life. On the other hand, the costumes and set design represent the time and reality of a mother holding a roof over her head in a quiet area.
The music is nostalgic, highlighting Molly's level of sensitivity and the emotional and sentimental ups and downs she feels when remembering or arguing with her mother, which are signs of people addicted to expressing feelings. The dialogues carry the well-organized narrative of the theme; they are loaded with meanings, i.e., doubt, worry, anxiety, reproach, negligence, irresponsibility, fear and opportunity. All the sensations will be attended by the "fractured love between mother and daughter". The film does not have something innovative, as I mentioned in other lines. Knowing the possible outcome and the end did not displease me because the drama of mother and daughter was woven into a distressing web.
Siempre pregunto sobre el film reseñado: ¿por qué debo ver Cuatro días más? Si te gustan las películas de drama, droga y basadas en hechos reales, son para ti. La historia cuenta el devenir que atraviesa una madre con su hija para salvarla una y otra vez; es algo poderoso sin tener que ver escenas fuertes, solo el discurso basta. Existen varias razones para caer en las drogas y si el entorno o la familia están ausentes, recuperar la salud será una tarea difícil, más no imposible, de ahí el concepto Cuatro días más. La cinta tiene signos sobre el mensaje de empezar de nuevo, como armar el rompecabezas que se ubica en un espacio de la casa y el otro signo: el árbol familiar es la base terapeuta del sistema.
The leading roles of actresses Glenn Close and Mila Kunis were representative for me. Two different roles managed to make the dramatic dance of a real fact about those who (family and addict) suffer the damages of drugs. In Glenn Close's performance, she takes on the mother, Deb, who is willing once again to help her daughter. Despite multiple attempts, she risks a fight to heal her daughter. She behaves distrustful, anguished and shows firmness to her word; therefore, she reacts upset; this behavior makes me angry; it means that the performance has the effect of perceiving her disinterested, a necessary behavior because this "heartless" mother wants the best and failing is not an option. Then we have Mila Kunis, starring Molly, an addicted girl. I must emphasize that the makeup was perfect; it transmits abandonment and perfect acting shares anxiety, anger and nostalgia, which areare the characteristics that force the viewer not to judge and understand that it is a complex task to get out of the hole from which Molly dug part of her life for whatever reason.
I always ask about the reviewed film: Why should I watch Four Good Days? If you like drama, drugs, and fact-based movies, this is for you. The story tells the story of a mother's journey with her daughter to save her over and over again. It's powerful stuff without having to see strong scenes; just the speech is enough. There are several reasons to fall into drugs, and if the environment or the family is absent, recovering health will be a difficult task but not impossible, hence the concept of Four More Days. The team has signs about the massage of starting over, such as putting together the puzzle that is located in a space in the house and the other sign: the family tree is the therapist base of the system.
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Que interesante filme, realmente se ve que vale la pena ver, más cuando en tu alrededor tienes personas que consumen alcohol en muchas cantidades. Gracias por la recomendación.
What an interesting film, it really looks worth watching, especially when you have people around you who consume alcohol in large quantities. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hola, @yaslenysofia
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