Speak No Evil

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It's a twisted story that maintains suspense throughout most of its content. From the beginning you know something is wrong and you always want to know more, no matter how grim the answer.

However, the film can err on the side of being a bit underplayed in its moments of impending violence; In this sense I consider it completely caffeine-free.

It's interesting because despite touching on uncomfortable topics, it doesn't become overt or really disturbing. It feels like the time has come to give it your all, but the ending is too rushed and doesn't give the impression you were hoping for.



However, we must highlight the real pillar on which the film rests: James McAvoy. The actor once again showed off his acting chops, and his looks and mood swings were truly disturbing.

McAvoy fully embodies his character, just as he did in “Multiple”. Without a doubt, this is the best thing about the film.

Doing a quick comparison with the original Danish version of Speak No Evil, the American adaptation falls short in several key areas:

- The original picture is colder, more uncomfortable and dirtier. On the other hand, the American version seems too clean, without adventure or nuance.

- The original story is scarier, more adventurous and crueler. The American adaptation has a lighter tone to appeal to a wider audience. It is not inferior but tends to choose safer routes, avoiding too many pitfalls.

- The music in the American version is almost exemplary and the sound effects are rather poor compared to the original.

- Assignment. While fans of the original film may disagree, James McAvoy is HUGE. In my opinion he is better than the character in the Danish version, and that's saying a lot. The rest of the cast is fine, but I like the original cast better.

So why is it worth seeing in theaters? It's simple: if you don't know the story and haven't seen the original, this is a good opportunity to have “happy and sad moments” in the theater, with a story that builds slowly and suspenseful until the end.

Besides, “Tito McAvoy” is worth every euro we have. On the other hand, if you want to save money and watch the same story with more violence and a more complex approach, you can choose Speak No Evil from 2022.

Whatever you choose, I hope you enjoy “talking to strangers”.

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I've had this film to watch for months. Unfortunately I have to wait until it is no longer in theaters since there are none where I live. Glad to hear McAvoy did a splendid job. I knew he wouldn't disappoint his fans. Thanks for not making spoilers, I haven't seen the first movie either. 💕