John Wick (2014)
This is a 2014 American action film directed by Chad Stahelski, produced by David Leitch, written by Derek Kolstadse and was directed by Chad Stahelski. The protagonist, played by Keanu Reeves, is a retired former contract killer who is forced to return to a life of violence after a series of tragic events.
The story begins with the death of John Wick's wife, then men break into his house, steal his old car (1969 Ford Mustang) and kill his puppy, which was a gift from her.
It turns out that the dog was the only thing she had left and, for some strange reason, it triggers John's murderous rage.
In his quest for revenge, John confronts the Russian mafia and its leader, played by Michael Nyqvist.
What follows is an orgy of violence and gunfire, as John Wick leaves a trail of bloodied bodies in his wake.
It's a mindless action fest, in which John seems to have a superhuman ability to kill his enemies.
As the film progresses, we learn more about the world in which John Wick lives.
It turns out that there is a secret society of hired killers, a sort of exclusive club where everyone knows and respects each other.
John Wick, in his past, was known as one of the best assassins in the organisation.
The film continues with more confrontations and killings, as John Wick seeks revenge for the death of his wife and dog.
The film received positive reviews, with critics calling it one of Reeves' best performances and one of the best action films of the year, grossing over 86 million, exceeding the production budget of between 20 and 30 million.
Due to its success, four more sequels have been released.
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