We Are Zombies (2023)

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The story, in principle, is quite different from what we are used to seeing in a film of this type. As if to please everyone, in the end everything goes back to its course and the little monsters return to do their thing, as it should be.

We are in a city infested with non-cannibal zombies, peaceful or whatever you want to call them.

Three smart guys supplant a company dedicated to the removal of these citizens who wander between life and death, selling their bodies to a dark organization full of greed. In the end it's all about saving their kidnapped grandmother.



In the performances we come across a great trio. We start with the televised Megan Peta Hill who plays Maggie, the female who tries to put some sanity. We continue with Derek Johns (The Sacrifice Game) who gives life to Freddy Mercks and we finish with Alexandre Nachi in the role of Karl.

Entertaining mix of fantastic cinema, some horror and a lot of comedy, which in my opinion is uneven in terms of happy situations.

It looks good, without problems, it is enjoyable in general, but it also seemed to me that, this is evident, it does not take itself seriously and in the end I do not say it disappoints, but it leaves a taste of a job half done, hard work as far as production and post-production is concerned, but improvable.

It has good scenes, especially concerning the two baddies of the movie (the other two are not so bad...) and the minutes pass in a distracted way. And since it's short, it doesn't exceed eighty minutes, it doesn't get tiring.

In short, it's good... but it could have been better. It could have gone further, although it is thankful for the endearment of the three main characters, very well described.

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We've seen a lot of films emerge in this genre, and if We Are Zombies offer something significantly unique, then it's definitely worth the watch. Thank you for sharing!

Posted using CineTV


We've seen a lot of films emerge in this genre, and if We Are Zombies offer something significantly unique, then it's definitely worth the watch. Thank you for sharing!

Posted using CineTV