Wrath Of Man Film Review - A Mafia father who wants to avenge his son's death

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Wow, wow, wow, Jason Statham is back in action today in an exciting film that I just watched tonight, this film is entitled Wrath Of Man which was released in 2021.

This film was directed by Guy Rutchi and stars my favorite actor Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood, Holr Mc Callany and other great actors, this special film received a rating of 7.1 according to the IMDB site, seeing the high rating for this film you can definitely imagine How exciting it is to watch this film with the theme of Revenge.

The 118-minute film tells the story of a mysterious father who is very skilled and sadistic in fighting who wants revenge on robbers who stole money from money delivery cars for killing his son while they were carrying out their robbery.

The following is a short story from the film Wrath Of Man

The film opens with a mysterious person named Patrick Hill or commonly known as H wanting to apply for a job at a money delivery service company called Fortico Security.

H himself has a mysterious background and has extraordinary combat abilities. After undergoing several selections from the company, H was finally accepted into the company.

The time came for H and 2 other friends named Bullet and Dave, they were both assigned to deliver money to a company, and their journey went smoothly.

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Several months later, the three of them were again assigned to deliver money to a casino on a cruise ship, but one of their friends named Dave was taken hostage by a robbery when he wanted to get into the cruise ship, and the robbers asked H and Bullet to hand over all the money they brought so that Dave wouldn't be killed.

As a result, Bullet immediately gets scared, while H only acts cold and calm. In this scene, this is the first time we are shown H's extraordinary combat skills and he manages to kill all the robbers using a gun to save Dave.

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H didn't forget to then observe every face of the robber he had killed as if there was something he was trying to find out.

Many people were surprised, especially the owner of the Fortico Security company, who saw that H was very good at fighting robbers like someone who was very well trained.

After some time, H and his 2 friends were again confronted by several robbers while they were delivering money. When they were about to take all the money in their car, the robbers suddenly ran away in fear after seeing H's face.

Many people were again amazed at who H really was, why the robbers were so afraid of him. Now a flashback of H's identity is shown, it turns out that H is a great Mafia Boss who is highly respected by his partners and enemies.

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H has a son named Dougie, that day when they were going on a trip, H got a call from his men to monitor a car transporting money that they were going to rob because another subordinate they assigned to watch the car had an accident.

With full compulsion, H and Dougie went straight to a road so that H could monitor the car carrying the money. After parking the car on the side of the road, H went to the food shop for a while to buy food while monitoring the movement of the car carrying the money, while Dougie was still sitting there. in the car.

Suddenly a team of road repair officers came and immediately closed the road. After a while, a car carrying money belonging to the Fortico Security Company arrived there and was immediately stopped by a group of road repair teams. It turned out that they were robbers who had preceded H's men to steal the car.

After stealing all the money and killing 2 employees of the Fortico Security company, one of the robbers named Jan continued to kill Dougie because he had seen his face.

H, who saw the incident from a distance, immediately ran to save Dougie, but H was also shot, making him helpless.

That was the reason why H worked at the Fortico Security company to avenge his revenge, because according to information received by H's subordinates, there were people in the company who collaborated with the robbers who killed H's son.

Long story short, after investigating it turned out that the person was Bullet and the robbers who killed H's child were a group of former marines who had served in Afghanistan who decided to steal because they had run out of money.

One day Bullet and the marines attacked the Fortico Security office, H even became a hostage during the action, but with his skill H managed to kill several of the robbers, and H also managed to put a smartphone in one of the money bags so he could track where it was going. The robber left after stealing the money.

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After that incident, these greedy robbers returned to kill each other's teammates, including Bullet, and the one who survived was Jan. In the end, H managed to find Jan in an apartment with the stolen money because he tracked Jan via a smartphone that was put in a money bag.

It was there that H succeeded in producing Jan as Jan killed Dougie, finally H's revenge which was offered to his beloved child was realized, and the film ended.

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My opinion about this film

This is a backwards story film that is very tense and very exciting, the story is very complex and complete. Each character in this film also has perfect acting in their respective roles.

Moreover, when we show the action of Jason Statham fighting against his enemy in a sadistic way, it makes this film look even more exciting and more tense. I'm sure everyone who watches Jason Statham's film will definitely be waiting for the scene where he is shown fighting in a sadistic and merciless style.

The backward storyline of this film also makes the audience very curious about the ending of this film. I am sure that everyone who starts watching this film will definitely watch it until the end because the story telling from the beginning of the film is very good which makes everyone will definitely be interested.


In this film we are again shown how much love a father has for his son, H is willing to give up his career in order to avenge his son's death.

Therefore, let us all protect our families from bad people and love and protect every member of our family so that we can all live happily.

This is a review of the film Wrath Of Man, see you in the next film review.

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Statham's performance, and the score were my favorite things about this movie🔥