The Importance of Music in Movies

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Yellow Black And White Minimalist Simple  Typography Elegant Music Channel YouTube Outro.jpg

Music and Movies are absolutely two peas in a pod as Music is a critical thing for a Movie to become successful. Now when I say Music I don’t just mean Songs but even the Background Music as well, as that counts as Music also. So let’s point down the reasons I believe Music plays an important role in Movies and I have quite a few reasons for thinking like that.

Storytelling and Structuring

Music often helps in structuring a story in the movie where you can literally feel the depth of an emotion better with music rather than without music. If I have to give an example of this that would be from an Anime named Haikyuu which has some excellent Background Music Score which literally gives you goosebumps because when the beat hits you are already expecting something to happen and that feels great.

Setting the Tone

Music often helps in setting a tone for any particular scene in a Movie which helps the audience immerse more into the scene they are watching. This really comes true for Suspense Thriller movies which gives an awesome experience due to their Music Quality.

Emotional Connection

In case of Romantic Movies music plays such a key role as to invoke feelings of sadness, hope, love and many more thus making the experience more relatable and memorable for everyone.

A Universal Language

This is a given thing that music is something global and even though we might not know the language of a certain country but the music of that country we could groove to. This can be made clear with the huge popularity of KPOP and Spanish Music where even though we don’t know the language but we still enjoy the Music.

Making Iconic Themes

Some music has also created some iconic theme musics which have become synonymous with their Movies like the Bond Series, Bourne Series and many more. These theme music can also invoke powerful emotions among their viewers and in long time it can also become a cult classic.

Long story short music is a crucial element in movies which serve a lot of different purposes, but one thing is clear that Music in Movies most definitely increases the overall experience of watching a Movie.

So what are your opinions on Music and what Music do you like?

Please do comment below as to what are your Musical choices as I would love to hear about that.

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I totally agree with this bro, music really does make or break a movie. It's amazing how a good soundtrack can evoke so many emotions and create such a strong connection with the story and characters. For instance the intro of Avengers gets me in the mood to watch it every time 😂