Aki And PawPaw || A Review Of A Movie Which Makes Me Remember Childhood.

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Welcome to my first post in the CineTV community. I have read so many posts on here and I love the way people give some great reviews to movies which I am about to do now. The contest in this community makes me remember those good old days when I would sit in my living room every evening to watch some particular movie series.
I have always been a fan of Nigerian movies and this is not just because I am a Nigerian, but I can relate very well to them. The movie I’d be giving a review on is titled Aki and PawPaw. It is usually about two brothers who make us laugh those days and there were so slangs they created that we have gotten used to till today. The movie was remade in 2021 but they did it exactly the way it is done back in those days.

Aki and PawPaw (2002).

Aki and PawPaw movie revolves around two brothers of seven and nine years old who loves to terrorize the community and they always get away with it even to the last scene. The movie opens in the scene where the teacher was spanking them for doing something very wrong in the school and after spanking them, the two boys went to a corner to remove the books and clothes they packed in the address so that they won’t feel the pain of the cane.


They got home to meet their father who supports their nonchalant attitude all the time and while explaining, they wanted to show their father how their teacher spanked them and they spanked him too. Why would a child beat his father? I was wondering. Their father reaped what he sowed on that day because he has refused to train his kids well.

One day, Aki and PawPaw were wandering on the streets of their village as usual and they saw a bike. They pushed the bike and sold it to some corrupt policemen. Eventually the owner of the bike was able to loacte those policemen and proved to them that he owns the bike. They have committed so many attocities like that including wooing older women.

Unfortunately, their last event landed them in trouble. They bought weed from a police officer and put it in some people’s food. The man and his entire family began to act funny and when they were alright, they realized it was Aki and PawPaw who added weed in their food.
The man was a police officer and the scene ended where he asked them to say their last prayer because he was about to shoot them to death.

My review and ratings

Aki and PawPaw known as Osita Iheme and Chinedu Ikedeze were men of over twenty years of age as at when the movie was released but they were extremely short which made them look so small and they talk like babies as well. They acted so well and killed their toled because they didn’t even act their age. They placed themselves below their real age and settled as seven and nine year old individuals.

Also, I enjoyed this movie more because of the behaviors that the two of them portrayed in the movie. They gave it a real vibe of a stubborn person. In the movie, you could tell that this is exactly how a stubborn child behaves in real life and that’s exavtly what they did. They were just so much settled in each of their roles.

Right now, I love the fact that I have given a honest review to this movie. If I’m to rate it alongside the typical Nigerian setting it has, I’d be giving it a 9/10.
Aki and PawPaw is a must watch for everyone.

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They were the reason I love to watch nollywood movies


This was such an iconic movie then. Made me laugh to no ends. I'm not sure how much I'd laugh if I watched it now, but I'm sure I'll still enjoy the experience. Thanks for sharing!