The Movie I Would Live In... (LOH Contest #228) [ENG-ESP]

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If I could live in any movie universe... it would have to be the zany world of Roger Rabbit! 🐰

Si pudiera vivir en el universo de cualquier película... tendría que ser el alocado mundo de Roger Rabbit! 🐰


For anyone who may be unfamiliar with the film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is a sort of cult movie from the 1980s. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, the movie follows Detective Eddie Valiant and his misadventures in Hollywood/Toontown.

Para cualquiera que no esté familiarizado con la película, ¿Quién engañó a Roger Rabbit? es una especie de película de culto de la década de 1980. Dirigida por Robert Zemeckis, la película sigue al Detective Eddie Valiant y sus desventuras en Hollywood/Toontown.

Here is where cartoons come to life and run amuck! 😄 One of these cartoons is Roger Rabbit, a jester who has been wrongly accused of murder, and it is up to Valiant to help clear his name!

¡Aquí es donde los dibujos animados cobran vida y se descontrolan! 😄 Uno de ellos es Roger Rabbit, un bufón acusado injustamente de asesinato, ¡y Valiant debe ayudarlo a limpiar su nombre!


I first watched this movie when I was about 7-years-old and I instantly fell in love... Of course, any child would be enthralled with the idea of living with their favorite cartoon characters, like Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck! 😂
But even today, choosing to see things from an adult's perspective, I still think this universe is ideal. There would be tons of crazy stuff to see that your day would never have a dull moment! You could watch them as they film a movie, pay to see toon entertainment, or maybe even get the opportunity to hang out with some of your favorite characters! đŸ€©

Vi esta pelĂ­cula por primera vez cuando tenĂ­a unos 7 años y me enamorĂ© al instante... Claro, a cualquier niño le fascinarĂ­a la idea de vivir con sus personajes de dibujos animados favoritos, como Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny y el Pato Lucas. 😂
Pero incluso hoy, viendo las cosas desde la perspectiva de un adulto, sigo pensando que este universo es ideal. ÂĄHabrĂ­a muchĂ­simas cosas locas que ver para que tu dĂ­a no tuviera ni un momento aburrido! PodrĂ­as verlos mientras filman una pelĂ­cula, pagar para ver dibujos animados, ÂĄo incluso tener la oportunidad de pasar el rato con algunos de tus personajes favoritos! đŸ€©


For example, in the movie we get to witness a cartoon baby smoking, a talking car drive itself, and bullets with minds of their own! 😂

Por ejemplo, en la pelĂ­cula podemos ver a un bebĂ© de dibujos animados fumando, un coche parlante que se conduce solo y balas con mente propia. 😂


And the Roger Rabbit universe takes places in 1940s Hollywood, so if it was to progress with today's world, we would be able to see all kinds of relevant characters! I know I would love to hang out with the cast of The Simpsons 😏

Y el universo de Roger Rabbit se desarrolla en el Hollywood de los años 40, asĂ­ que si se adaptara al mundo actual, ÂĄpodrĂ­amos ver todo tipo de personajes relevantes! SĂ© que me encantarĂ­a pasar tiempo con el elenco de Los Simpson 😏

What do you think? Who would you enjoy seeing in the cartoon universe? 😄 I hope you enjoyed this week's post, looking forward to the weekend! 👍


ÂżQuĂ© opinan? ÂżA quiĂ©n les gustarĂ­a ver en el universo de los dibujos animados? 😄 Espero que hayan disfrutado la publicaciĂłn de esta semana. ÂĄEspero que llegue el fin de semana con ansias! 👍

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Es una pelĂŹcula muy divertida. Un mundo fascinante lo humano junto a la fantasĂŹa.



What a fantastic reflection on Who Framed Roger Rabbit, @borderline.babe! The magic of Toontown and the chaos of its cartoon inhabitants certainly have a way of captivating both children and adults. The mix of classic animated icons and clever storytelling is timeless—no wonder the movie left such an impression on you. Plus, the idea of living among cartoon characters is irresistibly fun. A world where antics never end and creativity runs wild? Sign me up!

If I could explore such a universe, I’d love to meet characters like Goofy or Marvin the Martian. Imagine sharing laughs with Goofy or hearing about Marvin’s schemes to conquer Earth—it’d be a blast! And, of course, watching toons in action behind the scenes would add a whole new dimension to their charm.

Your post has me pondering: if a crossover like this were to happen today, with modern-day animation and iconic characters from more recent years, who might steal the show? Any contenders you’d add to the Toontown chaos?



Interesting! I've never seen the movie but I can see the attraction for sure! Thanks for sharing.


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