What I've Been Watching: A CineTV Post

Based on the opening photo alone, you might be able to figure out what one of the things I have been watching lately is. If you can't, don't worry, you know I am going to talk about it here in a second.
In the lull between school softball and summer softball, @mrsbozz and I haven't had a ton of games to stream in the evening and on the weekends. That has left us a bit of time to actually sit down and watch some shows. I shared a couple of them last week in this post. Today I am going to finish up that list and share the rest of the stuff I have been watching with you.
Let's get to it then, I have about five things that I need to share with you today.
If you guessed that one of the shows I watched was Air, then you would have guessed right. You will have to forgive me, I only have a pair of Air Max and not the Air Jordan's that the movie was actually about, but it still fits I think.
I'm actually not that big of a fan of Michael Jordan. I think he was a great player (if not the best), but I also think he was a cocky jerk. If you watch the documentary he did a while ago, you will probably know what I mean.
Anyway, he isn't in this movie at all and instead it is about Nike and how they pursued him for the iconic Air Jordan shoe. It's crazy to think that Nike had such a small percentage of the basketball market share back in the 80's. Something like 23% I think. It might have even been less. It was also interesting to know how big of a share Adidas had. Converse made sense, but i wouldn't have guessed Adidas.
The movie was a great homage to the 80's. They made sure to throw a ton of 80's references in your face almost to the point of being too much like Stranger Things has suffered from. Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, and Matt Damon do a great job in their rolls. The movie is funny, dramatic, and entertaining.
I am also a fan of Viola Davis, so her roll was really well played too. Oh yeah, Chris Tucker was in the movie too. I mean what can you really say about Chris Tucker. He was very Chris Tucker in his roll. Exactly what I would expect!
I've been encouraging pretty much every one I talk to to watch this movie. It was really well done and is available for "free" on Amazon Prime right now if you have that service.
Will Trent
Will Trent is one of those cop shows my wife and I saw advertised and we thought it looked pretty good. I have to admit, it is quite formulaic, with the superstar detective leading the way and the supporting cast surrounding him. Monk anyone?
What I feel is a bit different with Will Trent is the fact that the lead character isn't just flawed, he is deeply flawed. They also do a really good job of focusing on the supporting characters. Each of them have a quite deep backstory that they take the time to share with you.
@mrsbozz and I were thrown a bit at first. This show is supposed to take place in the greater Atlanta area, but we couldn't really put our finger on the accent that the lead character was trying to portray. We never did figure it out, but once you get past that point, it isn't so bad.
The first season finished up a week or so ago and we will definitely be checking it out if it gets renewed for a second season.
Picard Season 3
I've been looking forward to watching this season for a while. While I wasn't that impressed with Picard seasons 1 and 2, I was told if I just hold on, season 3 is totally worth it.
To be fair, it was mostly season 1 I didn't care for. It really missed on my expectations and that was a huge let down for me. Season 2 gave me a bit of hope that they were turning the ship around (pun intended), and then Season 3 dropped.
Dropped like a mic drop I should say. It was absolutely fantastic. I waited for all the episodes to be released so I could binge them all at once and not have to wait. It was amazing in all of its throw back/nostalgia glory!
The characters were well played, it brought back all the right former cast members and it just felt like home. By the end of the season I was transported back to my childhood living room watching The Next Generation all over again. I can't say enough good things about Picard Season 3. It also set things up for some future shows that I will definitely be watching.
Which is good because with "Discovery" entering it's final season, I am going to need a new show to sit along side "Strange New Worlds".
The Mandalorian Season 3
While I have enjoyed the previous season of The Mandalorian, I wasn't as impressed with the most recent one. Actually, I kind of feel like the whole show has been on a downward slide since the opening season. I feel like there was a lot of hype and then things have just fallen into a predictable rut.
That isn't to say that I don't enjoy it. I do and I will still keep watching it, but there wasn't really anything in season 3 that blew my socks off. Sure, Grogu is cute and it's always fun to see Jedi. I like Pedro Pascal, but like I said, this season didn't blow my socks off.
It's definitely worth watching, but I don't feel it is going to bring you anything that is going to blow you away. There were some parts towards the end that really didn't make sense to me logistically, but I am not going to discuss that lest I spoil it for any of you.
Daisy Jones & The Six
As you know, I am a huge fan of music. Pretty much any style, any genre, I am going to be down with it, but my real wheel house would be the decades between 1960 and 1990. With the earlier eras being most comfortable to me. That's why when Daisy Jones & The Six was advertised, I knew we had to watch.
It's based on a book and @mrsbozz wanted to read the book before we started watching the show. We are about halfway through the season and I asked her how closely it matches to the book and she said it has been really good so far.
I did some research and the author of the book was inspired to write this story by the real life career of Fleetwood Mac.
It has been great to watch so far. The music is pretty amazing, the characters are great. The sets are pretty fantastic too. If you are a fan of music and especially music from the 1960's and 70's era then you definitely need to watch this.
I might change my mind by the time I get through the season fully, but so far it has been really fantastic. I give it a thumbs up and encourage you to check it out on Amazon Prime!
See Season 3
Finally, I just started watching the third season of See last night. If you remember me writing about it before, this show is set in an apocalyptic future where nearly the entire population has lost their sight.
It has been really interesting to watch so far. I am not going to talk too much about it here because I am only two episodes into the third season. If you have Apple TV+ though, I think you should definitely check it out.
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Wow, that’s some interesting stuff I think I’ll check them out
I thought they were all pretty good!
Forest Gump came to me!
I love Fleetwood Mac (Daisy Jones & The Six) is that on Amazon Prime and WIll Trent sounds good too!
Yeah, Daisy Jones is on Prime. You should check it out. It's been a fun watch.
I liked Jordan in the beginning, but as all the dirt started to come out about him, I liked him less. The recent documentary and also Scotty Pippin's book didn't cast him in the best of light. Maybe that's why I like Ohtani so much—he's the best in the game, possibly one of the best ever, but he seems to have the most wholesome personality since Barney Fife. Last I read he even still let's his mom control his money and lives off the allowance she gives him.
I still haven't found time to watch the last two episodes of Picard s3.... Nor have I see any of the Mandalorian. Everyone tells me that series makes up for the distaste the most recent trilogy left. It's on my list!
I could agree with that last part. It is a fun show, but it just isn't inspiring the awe in me like I expect Star Wars to. I will keep watching it as long as they keep making it of course. I'm a Pistons fan so that whole era with Jordan is skewed one specific way for me. That rivalry between Detroit and Chicago was intense.
Good to hear you like Picard, I will get round to start watching it, I would like to remember watching TNG when I was younger too. I am thinking to also watch Mandalorian but didnt watch any either yet.
If you watch The Mandalorian you also have to watch The Book of Bobba Fett otherwise it won't completely make sense.
Thanks for the tip, I will check it out first :)
Actually, you need to watch it between the second and third seasons of Mando. If you watch it first, it won't make sense :) Sorry I mislead you there.
Got you! Will start Mando first season 1
I'm not very familiar with everything you have written lol but it will help me to make some researches and I will be able to learn
Best of luck on that!
Mandalorian is the only one of those I've watched. It has changed and grown in scope. Some of it seems aimed at keeping the dedicated fans happy as they will recognise various characters. The latest season had some fun moments and spectacular action. I do wonder if Disney are doing too much Star Wars. We have more shows coming soon.
I'd like to see Picard, but I won't pay Amazon any more money. I may leech it from a friend's account.
BTW I have never owned any Nike shoes. I was never into basketball anyway.
Those pair in the picture are the first ones I can remember buying. They weren't cheap, but they are by far the nicest and most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. I think the things they are hinting at with the Mandalorian are exciting. If they actually bring Thrawn it could be good. Mara Jade as well, but much of those characters they retconned from cannon. Picard was on Paramount Plus, so you still have to subscribe. Just not Amazon...
It can be annoying when a show you want to see is on a service you don't have, but I'm not paying for all of them. I have enough to watch.
I never saw all the Clone Wars, so I don't know all the Star Wars characters. It needs to be enjoyable to people who are new to it all.
I didn't watch the clone wars either, but I read one of the trilogies that were written before Disney bought them out.
Thats a fair selection ! I'm with you on mandalorian - I found it a bit dragging in places and quite formulaic across each episode in the end. See sounds interesting, although I'm not a fan of that main actor - will give it a try and see !
Credit: martinni
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Ah, you don't like Jason Momoa? Your like the only person in the world! 😃
I was thinking about starting to watch See, but wasn't sure about it. I may give it a chance. As far as the Mandolrian, I tend to agree with you. The son and I stopped watching it as we got bored after the first two episodes. I may start watching again, but I doubt it. Air sounds interesting so I might give it a try this weekend. Thanks for the reviews.
I think the Mandalorian is worth it if you are a star wars fan. It seems they are going to use it to build out a lot of other shows too. See is quite good though it does seem to drag a bit at times. I can't recommend Air enough.
I've watched Mandalorian and I have to admit, I liked it, although it was slow in some places. I intend to watch it because it was a show the whole family liked. Score!
I have been roped into watching Daisy Jones and the Six - I am looking forward to that - and Picard is another one the whole family liked. We don't get to watch much television, but, we are going to make a good try on it! And Air... on your recommendation. :) Thanks, @bozz!
We actually don't watch as much as it looks like. We are usually too busy in the evenings or watching our nieces and nephews via streaming.
I haven’t seen any of these movies, but Air seems like something I’d love to watch since I’m hoping my son will pick and interest in basketball. More so, Viola Davis is in the movie, definitely a must watch for me!
It's got quite a bit of swearing in it, so just be ready for that. It's really good though. Very interesting to learn how Nike went from where they started to where they are now.
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