The Aliens are Coming, The Aliens ar Coming!
One of the largest changes that humanity is going to face is the arrival, the open arrival, of space aliens.

From Close Encounters of the Third Kind where they are sorta friendly to Independence Day where the aliens are out to wipe out earthlings.
Movies such as ET, The Extra Terrestrial where the alien is just trying to phone home, to Predator where the aliens are here for sporting practice.
But none of these movies really prepare us for what is really coming. You could say they are more of a psyop, by T.H.E.M. who are planning on an "alien invasion" false flag. T.H.E.Y. are going to show up, with their flying saucers (yes, the military has them) and blow up some buildings, and turn off the electric grid, and say "It's those damn aliens, we are under attack!"
We have also had our past altered so we do not know what really happened. There are all kinds of stone carvings, all over the world that can easily be identified as meeting up with some aliens. Many complete with spacesuits.
We also have so many sightings of ufos / flying saucers that some people saying "There is no evidence of aliens", can seem absurd. But, it is the times we live in. We have been told so many times that aliens and ufos are just people doing scams that many people believe it.
But the thing we ignore the most is abductions. Soooo, sooo many stories, that it should be all we talk about, but it is all hushed up, by normal people, because that is just freaky shit that has no "factual" basis.
We are really a messed up people. (this was on purpose)

What are aliens like?
Are all aliens good? Are there bad aliens? Are we going to be invaded?
These are all weird questions because we don't know anything about the earth where we live.
NASA has given us many "photos" of the earth
However, all of them are "created" photos, or just plain photoshopped.
If you go look at other nation's photos of the earth, they are all different. Different colors, different land mass sizes, different everything. None of them show a coherent whole.
I can easily make you doubt the ball earth model fed to us from the early days of govern-cement schools, but what i really want to do is describe what the Gaia is, energetically speaking. Because this matters when we are talking about beings from outside visiting us.
We are part of Gaia. Gaia, the planet, is alive, is an entity, that coexists with humans, because of humans and for humans.
If we want to travel to the stars, we will need to construct ships that keep/maintain the magnetic signature of earth. If we do not do this, we literally fall apart. We are literally a part of Gaia.
So, aliens are the same way. They have to bring their magnetic signature with them. For some, this apparatus is quite bulky. For other much more (spiritually) advanced races, they can maintain their bodies by their own will, through their own spiritual energy.
If you accept this structure, then you can see that there isn't really much "taking" over that an alien race can do.
Basically, all they can do is make sure that a planet stays subservient to them. And this is just because, and only because they haven't grown up. They are afraid of other races being autonomous. They are like psychopaths who have to continuously search for power over others.
But, they do not need others as "slaves". Just think where we will be in 100 years. Almost everything will be built by robots, unless artisans want to make it better / by themselves. There is also so much material just floating around in space, that there is no need to go "steal' or "harvest" it from other planets. (and the transportation just takes way too long; even teleportation takes time)
We will learn there is great abundance in the universe. We will even work out how to create things with out minds. Creating it in plasma, and then bringing it down to lower and lower densities. Because we have a connection to source (not every alien race has this) we can create whatever we can imagine. (there are a lot of things you can't imagine)
So, basically, there are two types of aliens. Those who want to subjugate us. (and this can be "peaceful", like saying, we will be your sponsors in the galactic federation, or trying to bomb us back into the stone age, because they are afraid) and those who want to make contact for shared, mutual, creation.
Be careful of aliens posing as angels or gods.

Aliens will start to show up
Humans are a little trigger happy right now.
We have been programmed with a lot of bad ju-ju, and fear for our lives where we needn't, and walk where angels fear to tread.
Soooo, the aliens will come, and they will be hesitant at first, only visiting certain people and certain places. (the govern-cements doesn't matter to them. Take me to your leader, is such a silly statement)
Later, as we grow up and grow more familiar with their presence, we will start building alien greeting places. Like, flying saucer landing spots, and places where people, who want to, can come out and visit.
In this next century, there will be no doubt aliens exist. And everyone who wants to visit them, will have had a chance to visit. So, we will integrate that knowledge into our society and social order.
What will not happen is them giving (or us taking) technology to us, and that solving all our problems.
It is hard to explain, but their science may or may not work for us. And we have to throw out our science and start learning what is really true. And then learn that it is not technology that solves our problems, but that as we solve our problems, the technology that support that shows up. This is also part of human growth. And no good alien would want to keep us from our own growth.

To give an example of this:
We want our government to work well, so an alien race gives us this box, that a person stands inside, and if they will be a good politician, they live. And if not, they get turned into constituent parts. (a pile of ash)
Of course this will work, but why does it work? And do we have to sacrifice a certain number of people to have a work government?
What is actually happening is that a brain scan is done, and any narcissist (people without warm empathy) are detected, they are killed. (yes, many planets do not suffer these creatures to exist. Either killing or brain wiping) And yes, keeping narcissists out of positions of power would solve a great deal of our political problems.
But, until we realize that this group of people exist, and that they are the cause of much evil, then we really can't deal with the problem. And we will just drive them all underground. They will know, they will learn to stay away from that box. (Yes, they know what they are. And see rest of humanity as idiots to be taken advantage of)
So, we, the people of earth, really need to learn this about us, about our brain development, about raising children. We need to know, and then enact a plan to deal with it. Aliens giving us a box doesn't do any of this.
And this is especially true, in that the solution is that we put people with the highest compassion into positions where they can help others. True compassion requires empathy. And thus, the best test is watch how truly compassionate they are. The narcissist fail.
A good alien race knows this. Has grown through this. And will leave it for humans to grow through too.
Well, i hope you all enjoy your meetings with aliens. They are coming.

Images from movie posters of the movies mentioned
Well, I am unsure where to place probabilities on ET's - I know We have the tech to create "flying saucers" (electrogravitics), and I know We have the tech to create holograms. I do not know whether past civilizations had such tech - could be - and I do not know whether "ET's" carved on things are as old as claimed, are not some representation of electrical displays in the sky, or actual ET's.
The only thing I feel confident in giving high probability (approaching 100%) is that We are on a sphere-ish ball about the size They say. Being able to model things in My head, able to see them from all perspectives, and having modeled the pancake planet, donut planet, a planet We are on the inside of, and others, there is only one - the globe - that explains all of what I see, and does so simply, elegantly, completely.
All the rest require either ignoring observable facts, or convoluting things to the extreme (and which still fall short).
If there are ET's, and if They care about Humanity, I hope They choose to help Us against the psychopaths in control.
The psychopaths "in charge" are already being helped with.
The energies (from galactic center) are shifting. There is no more hiding in the dark for these vermin. The lights are being turned on. The politiroaches are caught out in the open.
The more people align with good, the longer they will live.
The people aligned with evil will die younger.
And, the ETs won't really help with this, it is up to humans to clean up their own planet.
If light travels straight, and we live on a ball earth of the stated size, we are able to see too far. We so over the horizon by a LONG way. Maybe light doesn't travel straight.
And what about hollow earth? Too many stories of the other side of earth.
The ball earth breaks down in a lot of ways. The flat earth people do not have it much better.
I believe we will find higher dimensions involved in our planet's construction.
I am not sure why You think things are changing - except maybe from the galactic current sheet that will trigger a solar micronova in the next few decades...
How do You define "good?" "Evil?" I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - with "good" as upholding the Betterment Ethic. To look for ways to make things better for Those around You to around the globe (or whatever You think it is).

Hollow earth may be true, but We are on the outside. If We were on the inside, ships would sail away and move upwards. And We could see vastly further...
And I ponder ET's that would sit and watch, expecting Us to pull Ourselves out of this mess (though I do all I can towards that goal, given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded. I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up."
I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet, and either the ET's lack compassion or are just plain nasty. Just saying.
About light... It can be affected by electromagnetic fields... You might want to look into this counter-theory to the einsteinian bunk sold as truth because it hides the energy in the aether:
I am watching/feeling things change. And many of my psychically attuned friends are watching /feeling things change.
I can talk about things that i have never been able to discuss before.
Good and evil are energy patterns
I discuss them here in this post specifically:
The problem with the 3 laws of ethics is that most people aren't ethical enough to follow them.
Like a wife leaving her husband, and stealing his children away, because she did not "love" him anymore. She destroyed all of their lives because of her feelings.
And Satan, the great lawyer, can twist these around. The intent is not written into those words, but good people read between the lines. Evil people, psychopaths, bend the edges a little and convince people that the road to hell is not paved with good intentions.
I dispute that Most do not follow the three Laws - if We did not, as a rule, do so, society would not function. In the case You gave, You simplify things far too much. Taking One's children is not "stealing," and yes, there can be disputes over who would best raise the children, but that is a civil matter. Not an Ethical one.
And I do not give much probability at all to religious icons being real... But psychopaths indeed will choose unEthical behavior if They will profit from it.
We certainly don't know what this world is in a lot of ways and since the scamdemic I have become more and more skeptical of things. That being said part of me still believes that Elon is fighting the Matrix and with Space X I don't think he would gas light us with fake footage of their launches and I have seen the International space station pass by many times and have seen other satellites going by.
I know this seems elementary but I have had to start thinking like this and relying on my own evidence and cross reference it with what we have been told.
If all the stuff is true about our observations of the Universe then there are Aliens for sure and have either likely been visiting or observing or are coming.
I feel like if RFK Jr was the president that he would release the information of what we have in Area 51. He said he would and I believe he would try to let us know. That being said this election cycle has been very annoying already and things are looking extremely fake and ridiculous.
Ultimately I think currently the only way the United States get occupied by a hostile force it would have to be an advanced alien force because even though there are a lot of soft people we are armed to the gills and no Earth based military force could occupy us currently.
We are being invaded internally but a lot of the BS wouldn't fly in a lot of the United States.