Movie Review: Ponyo 🐟 [ENG/ESP]

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Hello everyone in The Anime Realm community! Today I'm here to bring you a new review of a Japanese animated film. This time it's about the adorable film, "Ponyo", produced by the renowned Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, released in 2008. Full of adventure, magic and fun, Ponyo is an excellent alternative to watch with the family. It's one of my favorite films from this production company, which is why I have a special appreciation for it, so of course, I highly recommend it. That said, let's get started.

The story takes place on the shores of the sea, on a small island where a small population lives. There, at the bottom of the sea, is Fujimoto (who is a kind of magician) who lives with his little daughters. During a navigation that Fujimoto makes with his daughters, Brunilda (one of the little fish) escapes from their sight and is caught by fishermen. They place her in a glass jar. Brunilda manages to sneak away from there and ends up on the shores of the beach where she is found by Sōsuke, a little boy who is enchanted by little Brunilda and helps her out of the jar. In the process, the little boy cuts his finger, but the little fish licks his finger and heals it immediately (because she also has magical powers). Sōsuke decides to take her home and keep her as his new friend, giving her the name Ponyo and she seems very happy about it. From that moment on, a beautiful friendship is born between Ponyo and Sōsuke, but Fujimoto will do everything possible to bring his daughter back, unleashing chaos on the island without having foreseen it.

¡Saludos a todos en la comunidad de The Anime Realm! El día de hoy me uno por aquí para traerles una nueva reseña de película animada japonesa. Está vez se trata de la adorable película, "Ponyo", producida por el reconocido Studio Ghibli y dirigida por Hayao Miyazaki, siendo estrenada en el año 2008. Llena de aventura, magia y diversión, Ponyo es una excelente alternativa para ver en familia. Es de mis películas favoritas de esta productora, por lo que le guardo un especial aprecio, así que por supuesto, la recomiendo ampliamente. Dicho esto, comencemos con ello.

La historia transcurre a las orillas del mar, en una pequeña isla donde habita una pequeña población. Allí, en el fondo del mar, se encuentra Fujimoto (quién es una especie de mago) que vive junto a sus pequeñas hijas. Durante una navegación que Fujimoto realiza junto a sus hijas, Brunilda (una de las pececitas) se escapa de la vista de ellos y es atrapada por pescadores. Estos la colocan en un frasco de vidrio. Brunilda logra escabullirse de allí y termina dando a las orillas de la playa dónde es encontrada por Sōsuke, un pequeño niño quién queda encantado con la pequeña Brunilda y la ayuda a salir del frasco. En el proceso, el pequeño se corta el dedo, pero la pececita lame su dedo y lo cura de forma inmediata (pues ella también posee poderes mágicos). Sōsuke decide llevarla a casa y conservarla cómo su nueva amiga, otorgándole el nombre de Ponyo y ella parece muy feliz al respecto. A partir de ese momento nacerá una bella amistad entre Ponyo y Sōsuke, pero Fujimoto hará todo lo posible por traer de vuelta a su hija, desatando el caos en la isla sin haberlo previsto.





The story is inspired by the tale of "The Little Mermaid" by Christian Andersen, but clearly Miyazaki gave it a different vision. In this case, Ponyo (who acts as the Little Mermaid) and Sōsuke function more as a friendship than any other kind of relationship. Just like the magic, the settings, the names, the endings, and more, are all quite different from the original. This is a version where the sacrifice is mutual (Ponyo and Sōsuke work equally to be together), the narration is dynamic and optimistic, the characters are adorable, and this movie has a great happy ending. Ponyo is a movie that is hard to forget because, as I said, its characters and situations are really memorable; Ponyo surfing in the sea, becoming a child, the noodle scene, etc. Everything flows in a way that makes it impossible to tear yourself away from the screen. So if you are looking for a good movie to watch with your family, Pongo is a good choice. Without further ado, thank you very much for stopping by.

La historia está inspirada en el cuento de "La Sirenita" de Christian Andersen, pero claramente Miyazaki le dió una visión diferente. En este caso, Ponyo (quién actúa como la Sirenita) y Sōsuke funcionan más cómo una amistad que otro tipo de relación. Así también cómo la magia, los escenarios, los nombres, los finales y más, son bastante diferentes al original. Esta es una versión dónde el sacrificio es algo mutuo (Ponyo y Sōsuke trabajan por igual para lograr estar juntos), la narración es dinámica y optimista, los personajes son adorables y esta película tiene un gran final feliz. Ponyo es una película difícil de olvidar pues cómo he comentado, sus personajes y situaciones son realmente memorables; Ponyo surfeando en el mar, volviéndose niña, la escena de los fideos, etc. Todo fluye de una forma que es imposible despegarse de la pantalla. Así que si buscan una buena película para ver en familia, Pongo es una decisión acertada. Sin más que decir, muchísimas gracias por pasar por aquí.






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The characters are super adorable, especially Ponyo and the boy 😍 I loved their relationship of mutual and sincere support and how they leave us the message that we must take care of the life in the sea, because it is as important as ours ❤️


Greetings Buhito 😁🤍 that's right, it also has a great message about caring for marine life and its oceans. Studio Ghibli usually does that, how with Mononoke. A hug


I totally agree that it is one of those movies that leave you with a smile on your face. Definitely a movie to re-watch when you need to recharge positive energy. thanks for reminding me how much I love it!


Greetings 😁 totally, seeing it makes one feel immediately satisfied, how with a different energy. Thank you very much for your nice comment, a hug.


se ve muy bonita historia, excelente post!

looks very nice story, excellent post!


Saludos 😁 gracias y sí, así es, muy adorable y extraordinaria historia.


I saw some videos of this anime but didn't get a chance to watch this anime.I think I will keep this anime in my favorites list and watch it when I have time.I will try to watch anime very soon.


Cheers 😁 it's a very good movie, you don't miss it and in the future I hope to read your review about it. Best regards.


This is one of the anime that I must watch. The little mermaid theme has always caught my attention. It intrigues me for example how she manages to run in the water. I want to see the scene and know why she does it.


Greetings 😁 well, it's a children's movie and magic is present in it, so many things maybe don't have a logical explanation (like why she can run in the water), well there's Studio Ghibli's detail there too. Thanks for stopping by.