"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by Chris Columbus Review: A Fantasy and Magical Spectacle
If one happens to see the first film of Harry Potter dubbed "The Sorcerer's Stone" anyone can easily marvel at how the film brought some exciting scenes that were never before seen in film. The first film was critically acclaimed as it impressed in every way possible and with the release of "The Chamber of Secrets" there are still so many surprises that further impress fans of the film including me.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets follows the mysterious story of attacks on Hogwarts students by an unknown perpetrator which is revealed to be the work of a fallen wizard who is attempting to make a return by way of instruments he had created while he was still alive.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has a more hilarious opening scene as opposed to the oppressive but impressive opening of part one. Still, the opening scenes of this second iteration of the film separate themselves from the first one as it has more funny moments than the first one where much of the opening scenes were largely oppressive. One example is the scenes with the flying car and with the train trailing Ron and Harry while riding the enchanted flying car, which is funny and to some extent heart heart-pounding.
Chamber of Secrets has a lot of surprises like the talking letter (see image below) that Ron's mother sent to him in response to using the car so that they can get to Hogwarts in a hazardous way because Ron is not that very skilled when it comes to driving a car let alone an enchanted flying car.
Another surprise is the Mandrake (see image below) which is portrayed as a plant that is alive and cries when pulled from the soil. The scene about the mandrake impressed me because it was the first time that I saw such a portrayal of a mandrake in a film and it was quite interesting because while the film is getting deeper into the story it is revealed that a mandrake can un-petrified a person.
After the mandrake scene, Chamber of Secrets further surprises me with the pixies (see image). As we all pixies are a fantasy. This is also the first that I saw a film with pixies in it.
While the film is going deep into the story the revelation of the term Mudblood further impresses as it helps me understand terminologies regarding the Harry Potter lore. As it turns out Mudblood is a derogatory term that exists in the wizarding world. Such a term is very clever and makes the film stand out.
Since the title of this film is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the main plot of the Chamber of Secrets has made me very very curious when it was revealed that it is finally opened, once again. The chamber left a lot of questions running through my mind like who created the chamber, what is inside the chamber, who created the chamber, and where the chamber is located, what will happen if the chamber opens.
Moving further into the film "Conversing Diary" (see two images below) made me so impressed and made me think that it is unique because it was the first time that I had seen such a scene in a film. Aside from being able to converse by writing on its pages, it is also capable of showing past events and not just an ordinary showing the past events but it could also get you right into the past scene and you will see for yourself about the past.
There are also a lot of twists in this film like the use of another student by someone in an attempt to accomplish tasks. The idea about Dobby is quite effective because he makes me annoyed while making noises inside the room of Harry. Another good example is when a professor just wanted to get out of Hogwarts.
There are also some part of the film which doesn't make sense to me like when Hagrid told Harry and Ron to follow the spider which turned out to be very dangerous to both Ron and Harry. What I cannot understand fully is why Hagrid sent both Ron and Harry. Is Hagrid thinking that Ron and Harry will not be killed because Hagrid is a friend of Agarog (the spider that Hagrid raises inside Hogwarts?
When Harry and Ron are rescued by the enchanted car that they used to get to Hogwarts they leave some questions. How did the enchanted car was able to find the location of Ron and Harry? And how the Phoenix was able to locate Ron and Harry inside the chamber and why the Phoenix grew so fast.
Introducing a fraudulent character into the story makes the element of the story robust which fits perfectly with he entirety of the movie.
Part one of the film was impressive and part two further impressed me as it introduced a lot of new to me like the death and resurrection of the Phoenix, the crying mandrake, and the introduction of Horcrux.
If you happen to see part one titled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and you love it part two surpasses part one in many ways like the largely funny first scenes with little oppression of Harry just like the first one.
Or if you already saw this film it will still be a good watch if you already watched it years ago. I am watching it again is still very enjoyable.
The plot of this movie is very well written as each of the scenes is related to each other and will not make you confused
To end this blog I am going to recommend this to those who haven't watched this film yet and if you ever going to get serious is watching this series.
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