One can say it louder but I'm not sure it can be clearer? There are movies (as, indeed, this one is) that are there to change our lives in one fell swoop. While Captain Fantastic is not current (but from 2016), it is no less true that from the beginning to the end, as an audience, you can't believe what Hollywood brought to the big screen. Personally, it generates conflicts for me that I don't know if I'm capable of being able to solve; like for example, if Americans are capable of creating this kind of cinema, why is it the exception and not the rule?
And forgive me. I don't want to read me here as if I were a snob? Nothing to see, but it does bother me a bit to discover this kind of movies where the acting, the dialogues and the research to make such deep and brilliant characters are the main thread of a feature film of more than two hours about a brilliant, idealistic and half left-wing (anarchist, in fact) guy who raises his children with freedom, knowledge and skills but also with discipline, although without violence... Clearly, there is more than one dilemma. And it is this that gives rise to the anguish, drama and trauma experienced by those involved.

Does a person can be brilliant and completely dysfunctional on a social level? Put more simply: can the same brain that is capable of understanding Carl Sagan's “Sapiens” be useful when filtering through a girl on a date? These blurred and seemingly opposing lines are part of what Captain Fantastic explores. An idea of society beyond the establishment. It is not a cult, nor a sect. It is a revolution itself of an entire social ideology. It is in itself very dense all that this film deals with but Vigo Mortesen and his impeccable performance are a caress to the moviegoer's vocation and conviction.
Captain Fantastic is the contradiction between what is believed to be the “solution” to the problem of a consumerist society, stupid, sick and obsessed with money and power but at the same time goes too fast opining to capitalism itself without stopping to think that what it proposes is not exactly the right solution... It only creates new problems, and tod returns to the place of takeoff... It is definitely a story of deep reflection, of attack to what we consider as “normal” and established and a lesson to our critical sense. The same one that has normalized the excessive consumption of sugar and obese people, as if heaven or earth was on our feet...
This film is not only highly recommended, but it should be a work of study in schools and universities. In researching the details of its creation I came across its screenwriters, guys who in their childhood were very average, from middle class families and with standard lives but fed up with the standard of living that their generation was supposed to follow, decided to do some research and came up with the creation of what they could never have but would have loved to have: a realistic, and truly inspiring superhero. Imperfect but ethical and human. I won't go on, because I could write 3 whole pages. Seriously, be inspired and go see it.

A film on the human brain and sociology... sounds brilliant and interesting. Would be appealing to watch and learn from. Thanks for sharing.