A Separation

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Hello everyone! It’s been a minute since we reviewed some movies up on here, so I’m glad to share a film I saw and enjoyed a couple of weeks back with you all. I’d admit that I downloaded this film thinking it was something else as I’ve been looking forward to seeing another film with a similar look. Alas! I saw this movie, and it proved to be a different experience from what I’m used to.

A Separation (2011)

The movie begins with Nader and Simin who are in front of the judge because Simin is filing for a divorce. She has prepared their visas and is set to leave with their ten-year-old daughter, Termeh. Nader is opposed to leaving because of his sick father with Alzheimer’s who he needs to take care of. Finding the grounds for the dissolution insufficient, the judge rejects the application.

Simin is bent on leaving and upon Termeh’s refusal to follow her, she moves back in with her parents. Nader on the other hand, hires a strongly religious woman named Razieh to look after his Dad. Razieh is pregnant and brings her little daughter with her every day to work. One day, Nader returns to find his Dad unconscious and tied to the bedpost.

also discovers that some of his money is missing. He gets into a huge argument with Razieh when she returns for her neglect and his suspicion that she stole his money. Upon Razieh’s insistence that Nader pay her, and her refusal to leave his house, Nader pushes her and she falls down. Things become messy when the news comes the next day that Razieh had a miscarriage. From there, it all goes up in flames.

I’d said initially that I’d downloaded the wrong film and so, upon discovering that, I was a bit disappointed. My disappointment soon cleared as I got hooked on the first few scenes of this film. I’ve never seen an Iranian film before, so I was genuinely curious to see how unique their storyline is. It was beautiful to see that their films aren’t as predictable as the other genres, and events take unlikely turns making it quite difficult to place where the film is going. Of course, I’m being hasty in my judgments but I was quite impressed.

Again, the film, based on region alone is Islamic and so, I got a good look into a different religious orientation from mine and how the tenets are judiciously upheld. It was truly insightful to behold for the educative experience if not anything else.

I had mixed feelings watching this and I don’t know if this was intentionally done by the directors. The protagonists were clear but it was hard to just pick a side. I felt something for everyone in the story and I couldn’t place a villain. Everyone seemed to be living in their reality and truth, and this brought to light the statement that there are no bad people. Just good people who may do bad things.

This was an enjoyable piece and not one second of my viewing experience felt wasted. The ending was vague and suspense-filled. Not the most satisfying of endings but no doubt beautiful and realistic. The true depth of life gloriously presented. Hope you enjoy!

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this brought to light the statement that there are no bad people. Just good people who may do bad things.

You don’t get to see movies like this often. Most of the movies we have out there are ones that we can easily state who is for and against.

This one sounds quite promising especially for the fact that it is a movie based on the Islamic religion. Thanks for sharing. 😊