Cine TV Contest #36 - Favorite Halloween Movie

Hello CineTV

Hello all! It's hard to believe that it has been another week since our last contest. Time flies when you are busy. :) Thank you all for your response to the villain contest! We had a great turnout for the contest and there are definitely some awesome choices. Please continue to follow the contest guidelines and to do your best to write a fun and personal review. Thanks again for participation in our contests.

Now let's get to the results!

First Place

Our first place winner in this contest is @ibraimpvzla18 with the choice of Cruella Deville:

I love this pick because it wasn't a typical choice. Emma Stone as Cruella is interesting because you get to see her back story and makes her more relatable. Thanks for your entry and congrats!

Second place

The second place finisher was @buffalobison with a review a pick of Freddie Krueger found here:

Freddie is such a great choice because of how vulnerable you are when you are sleeping. The one picture in your post reminds me to never fall asleep in the bathtub. Thanks!

Third place

In third place we have @bethyjade with their choices of Jane Hudson and Tom Riddle found here:

I was enamored with the choice of Jane Hudson. A creepy aged actress former child star. Such an interesting choice. Tom Riddle is an absolutely solid choice as well. Thanks for the entry!


225 CINE COINS and 100 Ecency Points will be transferred to the winners.

Now if anyone disagrees with our choices then please tag us in a comment on this post!

And let's move on to the new contest!



Favorite Halloween Movie

Write about your favorite Halloween movie.

On to our next contest! Thank you to @ecency for sponsoring our Cine TV contests! Check them out at 🙂

Halloween. I'll be honest, it's not my favorite time of year. It's not that I don't like spooky movies, costumes or getting candy but it does seem like it is geared more for children. I'm sure some countries don't even celebrate or know about Halloween.

For some here in the United States, this is a HUGE holiday! There are lawns decorated with gravestones, skeletons, spiders, zombies and off course pumpkins. People spend months planning and designing costumes. Haunted houses, haunted trails, corn mazes are popular activities as well.

For this contest, we are asking you to pick your favorite Halloween movie. If you do not have a Halloween movie that you would like to highlight, feel free to choose a movie that frightens or spooks you. Tell us about the movie and why you chose it. Do you enjoy this time of year and how does this movie reflect your feelings? What elements in the movie stand out to you? Give a personal reflection about this holiday and if and how it is celebrated where you live?

Important note: If you have previously written about a Halloween movie, a repeat article will not be considered.

Please check out the list of rules and suggestions below or feel free to ask me in the Discord channel if you have any questions (caulderfreeman). Enjoy this week's contest and good luck!

Winners and prizes

This contest will have 3 winners and 225 CINE in prizes. They will be distributed as follows.

  • 1ST Place — 100 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS!
  • 2ND Place — 75 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS
  • 3RD Place — 50 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS

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  • Publish your entry from our frontend or post to cinetv community if you prefer peakd, ecency or
  • The entries should be written in English for evaluation purposes (You can translate from your mother tongue if you want to.)
  • The post title should include CineTV Contest:. For example, CineTV Contest: Your Title Here.
  • Use #cinetvcontest among your tags.
  • Include a link to this post somewhere in your entry. So your friends can find this easily.
  • Put down a comment with the link of your entry on this post below.
  • Only one entry per person.


  • The submission deadline is 1st November, 2022, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

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Evaluation and Some Tips

  • You can use these prompts as a helping hand (purely optional) but you're free to go however you want.
    ► What you loved or hated about it.
    ► How it influenced you (and/or people around you).
    ► What part of it did you find most interesting.
    ► Any scene that still pops into your mind.
    ► Performance of the actors/actress that left an impression.
    ► Why do you think it's significant and great (or not).

You're free to include multiple films in your entry.

  • There's no need to be mechanical. Write with a free hand. We might overlook if you forget to do a step or two stated in the rules (except the first one).
  • We'll evaluate the posts based on the writing quality, sincerity, and faithfulness to the spirit of the contest.


Happy Writing then! Blog on!

The cover photo is edited in Canva.

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Join CineTV on Discord - Invite Link




Thank you for the selection. Great job with all the entries everyone.

Thank you very much for your support! I'm happy to have won a place in the last contest, I'm already active to participate in this one!

great entries as always and congrats to the winners! the prizes have been sent!

Congratulations for the winners! I saw some exelent entries last week! Competitions is tough! I start thinking about halloween movies! Nothing pops up on my mind yet!

Thanks for this contest! Indeed time flies!

Woow! 1st Place, thank you so much!
Such an awesome contest, btw. Thanks for the chance.

This week's contest has been added to the 'contests' channel in the Ecency Discord!


Congratulations to all the winners, well deserved entries.

Felicitaciones a los ganadores. Congratulations for the winners. Una semana de éxitos