Films that make your mind boggle! Mind bending films to watch in your spare time.

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This one will challenge the depths of your imagination. What you think is true, will not be true. And what you think is false, might actually end up being true. One of my favourite mind bending films of all time is this one. Shutter Island. In absolutely my top tier watching list.

Another one that will have you searching for solutions. At first you'll be like what the hell is happening to Evan, but then once you realise what's happening you think every solution he tries is the right one, and bam - you are confronted with more craziness. One of the greats in my opinion.

Ahh, lucky number Slevin, damn this one bring back memories of extreme confusion. Kansas City Shuffle huh? What's that got to do with the price of sliced cheese? Well, actually, look on!

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