The Long Ranger - After tragic accident ....

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I would like to post to you about the movie The Lone Ranger which is considered one of the movies that combined action adventure and comedy in the American West As I mentioned before movies that take us to the time of cowboys have a special charm and I think that this movie was able to provide a good experience despite some of the flaws it had.

The story revolves around John Reed a lawyer who accidentally turns into the lone ranger after a tragic accident and begins a journey of revenge and justice with the help of Tonto the mysterious character played by Johnny Depp The acting performance was good especially from Johnny Depp who always knows how to add a strange and attractive touch to any character he plays However some people think that the movie was a bit long and there were scenes that could have been presented in a better way.

As for the visual effects and action the movie was full of exciting scenes especially the scenes of horse and train chases which were done very wonderfully The soundtrack was also excellent and managed to maintain the spirit of adventure which is very important in any movie that tries to recreate the atmosphere of American Western movies.

As I mentioned to you the movie faced some criticism whether in terms of the length of the events or the comedy that some felt was excessive but that does not mean that it is a bad movie On the contrary if you like movies that have action and adventure with a classic spirit you will find it a very enjoyable experience.

The Lone Ranger is not one of the greatest Hollywood movies but it is an enjoyable movie if you want to see a story about justice in the American West in a modern style If you have not seen it yet try giving it a chance you might like it more than you expect.

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No doubt the image dared to see the movie, in fact it was what made me curious to click and know more about it. As such the cowboy genre would not be my forte and I think that many would not either but if the story develops well, they are entertaining, I remember one I saw with Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman was small when I saw it and I have it recorded haha despite not being the best, for me it was exciting and the feeling of the plot twist I remember, if this film achieves an experience like this success haha

In itself what I notice of reviews that you mention you have read about this film I think they are typical of reviews that repeat the critics again and again haha, in my case I have no problem with the length of the film as long as it is entertaining and above all nourishing as well as BenHur that leave you exclaiming WoW! happily and is a 4 hour film and still long haha, the Zack Snyder Justice League is another example of the best of life enjoy watching his 4 hours. It happens that the current audience now everything is Tik Toks then critics always criticize that because they already practically want tik toks too haha, movies with 4 hours as a cap is fine 🙂

About the comic relief constantly present, if it has this there if I would criticize it haha, if there are jokes of more wow that I already come oversaturated in this aspect but there will be people who like it, in the end the important thing is the narrative and The Woman that comes out in the image calls my attention to see this film 😎

Sin duda la imagen atre para ver la película, de hecho fue lo que me dio curiosidad para hacer click y saber mas de que trata. Como tal el genero de Vaqueros no sería mi fuerte y pienso que el de muchos tampoco pero si la historia se desarrolla bien, son entretenidas, Recuerdo una que vi con Sharon Stone y Gene Hackman estaba pequeño cuando la vi y la tengo grabada jaja a pesar de no ser de las mejores, para mi fue emocionante y la sensación del plot twist la recuerdo, si este film logra una experiencia así el exito jaja

En sí lo que noto de críticas que mencionas haz leído sobre este film pienso que son el típico de críticas que repiten los criticos una y otra vez jaja, en mi caso no tengo problema con la duración del film siempre que sea entretenido y sobre todo nutritivo así como BenHur que te dejan exclamando WoW! felizmente y es una película de 4 hora y sigue de largo jaja, la Zack Snyder Justice League es otro ejemplo que de lo mejor de la vida disfrute viendo sus 4 horas. Pasa que el público actual ahora todo es Tik Toks entonces los criticas siempre critican eso porque ya practicamente quieren tik toks tambien jaja, películas con 4 horas como tope esta bien 🙂

Sobre el alivio cómico presente constantemente, si tiene esto allí si la criticaría jaja, si hay chistes de mas wow eso ya vengo sobresaturado en este aspecto pero habra gente que le guste, a la final lo importante es la narrativa y La Mujer que sale en la imagen me llama la atención para ver este film 😎


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