One Life (2023): Based on a true story

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Everyone is fleeing, society is crumbling, the only goal is to get out of that place as soon as possible. Everyone wants the same thing. Everyone except one man, a person who travels to the epicenter of the conflict and decides to save the Jewish children, to give them a chance to live.

This is the story of Sir Nicholas Winton and "One Life" is my recommendation for this weekend.

Do you want to know more about the film, which can change you as a person?

Source of the cover photo

Then keep reading...

"One Life" narrates the true story of Sir Nicholas Winton , a young stockbroker who, through a friend, learns what is happening in the 1930s Czechoslovakia.

The film will place us in two key moments in this gentleman's life: When he travels to the epicenter of the situation, showing Winton's efforts to rescue as many Jewish children as possible before the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia (just before WWII)

At the same time, we are taken to the present day, where Winton seeks to ensure that the story is not forgotten in a library or a museum, and in a very unexpected way, he will succeed.

The plot develops by showing all the efforts and courage of Winton and his team, facing: fundraising, finding host families, bureaucracy, and all against the clock, against one of the most feared and cruel armies in history.

Sir Nicholas Winton is masterfully portrayed by Anthony Hopkins. So, if you don't know the story, it's likely that you'll think Hopkins lived through the events.

The veteran actor is able to convey a world of emotions without the need for extensive dialogues or a very elaborate script. It is impossible not to admire Winton, and it is that Hopkins convinces us of his enormous humility and silent heroism.

Superb performance!

It is also important to mention Johnny Flynn, who plays the young Winton. The actor gives an enthusiastic and heroic performance of the character, providing a contrast with the Hopkins version.

His performance helps to understand and reflect on the evolution of the character and of life itself. As the years go by, we become more calm, intelligent, and reflective.

The supporting cast is another gem of this film. From the team supporting the operations in Czechoslovakia to Winton's mother in England, they help us understand the magnitude of what they were doing.

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Johnny Flynn and Juliana Moska .Source

Since the film was released last year (2023), it was at the top of my list of pending movies.

Reading on the internet, I came across the story of Nicholas Winton and was fascinated by what he did and how he did it. Incredible how he mobilized a country as large as England and managed to move so many children from the continent to the island.

I had to see the movie no matter what!

Being such an emotional work, I decided to leave it for when I had free time and could enjoy it. The best decision I made.

"One Life" delighted me.

The story is incredible... How many of us would run to a war-threatened country to save Jewish children? How difficult would it be to set up the entire network to achieve the mission's success? Well, Winton did it, he did it without social media, without today's technology.

Not to mention the emotional load of the film.

According to the data shown in the work... only 10% of the Jewish children managed to survive the concentration camps.

There lies the magnitude and the message of this film.

Winton not only managed to save those children, but he gave them a chance to live. In fact, some of the descendants and even the children themselves (no longer so young) were part of the film as extras or the film crew.

It is a beautiful story and the film pays great tribute to it.

No matter how hard I try, I am unable to describe it in a single post. I invite you to watch it and if you like it, come back to this post and leave your impression.

Or create your own post and mention me in it, so I can read it and comment on it.

"One Life" lasts a little over 100 minutes. If you like history and films based on true events, this is a good choice. I think every film lover should see it at least once in their life.

It is a work that educates and moves the viewer, regardless of their previous knowledge of the subject. "One Life" will bring your emotions to the surface and make you ask yourself many questions about current life.

I will only ask you one question for when you have enjoyed this film... Would you do the same as Nicholas Winton if necessary?

You don't need to answer this question, let's just reflect on it, because the film is not just about history and drama, it is a reflection of a need that still exists today, the need to live without the fear of dying from a projectile.

This film sees the light in a moment where more wars are being waged in the world than in previous years, and where civilians, and especially children, are being the most affected.

The world needs more people like Nicholas Winton ...

If you have had the opportunity to watch it, don't hesitate to leave your comment and tell me what you thought of it, it will be a pleasure to read you.

Read you soon ...

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