Need More Fun
Greetings and salutations Hivers. Today was long and hard and I need a laugh, so let's jump right in and laugh!
Research has shown that laughter is good for us. It has all kinds of health benefits. Despite most of us knowing this, none of us laugh enough. Yeah, I know, being an adult is tough, and furthermore there is a lot of grim stuff happening in the world. These things may be true, but that just is all the more reason for trying to get a little laughter into our lives.

To the Beemobile!
Yesterday in the Bro server, @raymondspeaks wrote "it's awfully quiet in here". I happened to be looking just as he wrote that and this Simpsons clip instantly popped into my head. I think I will never not think of this clip when someone says that.
If it's not clear from the clip, they are doing an Adam West Batman parody here. This is a funny episode. There is also at least one Scarface bit in the episode, if I remember right. Anyway, watch and laugh!
Speaking of Simpsons...
Homer Jumps Springfield Gorge
This was, I think, the first time that Homer became kind of an idiot superman. Up to this point in the series, he had been Father Knows Best, a kind of misguided but well-meaning dad. Bart was the original focus of the show, after all, so Homer was a background character.
But here as he makes this fall twice and somehow survives, well, the path from here to current Homer who seems impervious to harm and is a complete idiot is a straight line.
The funniest part of this isn't his unintended jump or the fall, it's that the ambulance immediately crashes, sending him falling again. Now that's good humor!
Not that the later stupid Homer couldn't be fun.
Well I guess that was more of the middle ground. I think that's around when Conan was still a writer, during what fans often call the Golden Age of the show.
But anyway, it's not only Simpsons we can laugh at. Say—do you like Mushrooms?
I wonder how being a mushroom would impact encountering a not-quite-Godzilla...
So... back to the Simpsons. Remember when Homer became an astronaut?
Too bad the clip cut off before Barney passed out. That was the icing on the cake to that scene. You know I haven't watched Simpsons in years, not since the dark times began. But even today, so many situations remind me of scenes from those Simpsons episodes I watched when I was a kid. I guess I must have really enjoyed the show for it to stick in my mind so well. Everything rings a bell. Almost like...
Anyway, it's night here as I write this, so let's finish with a bedtime story.
Well, that was silly.

So what do you think? Did any of those make you laugh or were they just stupid? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
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David is an American teacher and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Mastodon. |
Posted using CineTV
It's been forever since I have watched the Simpsons too, but I used to watch it pretty religiously for a time there. I think my parents hated that I watched it. I could see that if I were much younger, but I was basically an adult :)
haha yeah mine always hated it too. I remember when it first came on the air and Bart used the phrase "I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you" and people lost their minds. Then some t-shirts were released using that phrase and people really lost their minds. Funny how the world was a bit more innocent back then. I think my parents hated the show with a passion ever since that point.
Yes, very much more innocent and I really miss it sometimes. The things kids consider normal these days is almost appalling!
I dunno if I don't have a sense of humour or just don't get most of the stuff. Probably both. That said, I started watching this recently, she's really good, especially when she interviews the real academics and scientists
haha I like that
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

Fantastic selection, i love viva la dirt league a nice break from the simpsons
I agree. Those guys really are kind of the premier internet comedy group right now.
Lolzz the Simpson and family guy always make me laugh, it should be rated 18 because of its words and how its acted.
Glad you could get a laugh!
The Simpsons made my childhood fun. It's so nostalgic seeing this. But there are some elements that are not all appropriate for everyone.
That's true, but what's funny is these days it is one of the most mild things on TV.
Spotted the Simpsons... If you want a good laugh, you really can never go wrong adding Simpsons to your movie picks 😄
Gotta love them!
Yep 😂