Let yourself be embraced by the darkness with Nosferatu
Vampires have been legends that have been used in the world of cinema and in the world's horror imaginary for a long time, their dark and gloomy nature makes them ideal to develop terrifying plots that generate despair. The most famous vampire is undoubtedly Dracula, of this character there are dozens of movies which some have been good and others very bad, actually I would say that there are very few worthwhile, but I think that the genre in which the aforementioned character lives is perhaps not for everyone as some may even consider it ridiculous if not used correctly.
The truth is that the movie “Nosferatu” from the year 2024 does not necessarily talk about Dracula, but it is evident that there is a great inspiration in that character, anyway, it is a typical vampire and that is what matters. This movie is obviously of the horror genre and was directed by Robert Eggers, it has a brand new line of actors among which Willem Dafoe, Bill Skarsgard, Nicholas Hoult, Lily-Rose Depp, among others stand out. It is important to mention that this film is a remake of the 1992 film Bram Stoker's Dracula.

This film takes us to a dark, cold and superstitious time, the sun never seems to rise and in that sense the atmosphere becomes depressing. Somewhere in Europe, Thomas, who works for a real estate agent, receives the mission to take some documentation to a castle to finalize the sale of a property. On the other hand, Thomas also has to deal with his wife who seems to go through transes and strange dreams that torment her and make her act in a way that, in the eyes of others, may border on madness. So, thinking about his future and doing his job, Thomas undertakes the uncomfortable journey with his horse.
So after traveling through dark and cold forests and after dealing with a group of gypsies during his stay in a village, Thomas arrives at midnight at the castle of Count Orlok. There he is received courteously, but the count does not want to waste time and immediately begins the formalities to finalize the purchase of the property. Darkness reigns in Count Orlok's castle and Thomas is fully aware of this, fear and terror seize him as he talks with the gloomy count who makes him sign a document in a language unknown to him, the count pays him with a bag of gold and leaves.
At this point, Thomas has already realized that he is dealing with a being that is not of this world and tries to flee. On the other hand, Ellen, who is Thomas' wife, worsens in terms of strange dreams and transes, but soon we will realize that the origin of this strange “illness” goes back to Ellen's adolescence, who seems to be related to the count since long ago.
Nosferatu- Official Trailer
This is a movie that could be a cliché for those who are tired of vampire stories, but for me in particular it kept me intrigued because it has a pretty clear direction, in fact, I would say that this remake is better than Bram Stoker's Dracula, maybe I think this because of the visual and definition difference between the two films, but it is definitely a story that immerses you in the darkness of the environment in which it develops and that supported by a script and dialogue more than well done, makes you look forward to the outcome of this captivating story.
The performances are memorable and the line up of great actors makes every scene succulent. I think this movie is not for everyone, it is two hours in which you have to be patient and pay close attention because at certain times it can be heavy, but believe me it is well worth it. I loved how the plot unfolded and the outcome of the story, for me this film has a score of 7.5/10.

Tools used and credits:
- Main image edited with: Canva
- Translator: DeepL Translate
- Information in filmaffinity
- Cover support image

I think that being a remake of a 1922 film, it couldn't be a cliché haha as these films were the ones that brought the classic monsters to the table. I have to see the remake because I honestly haven't seen it and I want to know if it's as good as the first one
It's worthwhile, but maybe not for everyone! It's good and keeps you hooked. Thanks for stopping by.
Remakes always have an audience. The cliché is perhaps part of the list, the idea of seeing something repeated. Dracula and vampires never go out of style.
I like remakes but I understand that others may find them more of the same, thanks for your support.
Oh wow, This is so interesting. Definitely, I'm going to watch this. Why did I miss this?! It's like from the setting of the movie Dracula and he is coming. The actors are familiar as well. I like Nicholas Hoult.
You should definitely see it! You will love it.
¡Vaya, qué buena reseña 😊!Creo que las única película que he visto de vampiros, son la de Van helsing y la historia nunca contada de Drácula, pero me encantó cómo describiste la atmósfera oscura y opresiva de la película, se nota que logra sumergir al espectador en un mundo de terror bien construido. Me llamó mucho la atención la forma en que el conde Orlok interactúa con Thomas y cómo poco a poco se va desvelando el misterio detrás de Ellen.
También me pareció interesante que mencionaras la comparación con Drácula de Bram Stoker de 1992, porque aunque aquella película es un clásico, entiendo que la diferencia visual y narrativa de este remake puede hacerlo más atractivo para algunos. Me gusta que la película no sea solo sustos baratos, sino que tenga un guion sólido y actuaciones memorables.
Definitivamente me diste ganas de verla, aunque no soy muy fan de las historias de vampiros. Eso sí, me prepararía para las dos horas de metraje y la ambientación densa. ¡Gracias por la recomendación!❤️
Si, es un poco larga! con ese aire de vampiro oscuro y un poco teatral! tiene grandes actores, ve a verla, seguro que te gusta.😋
buenaaa ya la estoy descargando !!! Gracias
Apuesto que te gustara! saludos!😉