Film Review: Samson and Delilah (1949)
"History can play cruel tricks on old films, and that includes even the most recent history. Current tragic events in the Middle East provide one such example by giving an unexpectedly dark dimension to Samson and Delilah, the 1949 biblical epic directed by Cecil B. DeMille, a film that would otherwise be enjoyed as an innocent piece of classic Hollywood fluff.
The film is based on the Book of Judges and partially on Samson the Nazarite, a 1930 novel by Zionist leader Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky. The plot takes place around 1000 BC when the Israelite tribe of Dan was subjugated by various Philistine cities and monarchs, including the Saran of Gaza (played by George Sanders). The most famous of all Danites is Samson (played by Victor Mature), a tall and muscular man with extraordinary strength that allows him to kill lions with his bare hands. Although he defies the Philistines, he wins the heart of Semadar (played by Angela Lansbury), the beautiful daughter of a rich Philistine merchant, Tubal (played by William Farnum). Their wedding party, however, leads to a bet against the Philistines that Samson would lose, ultimately resulting in a scuffle in which both Semadar and Tubal die. Semadar’s younger sister, Delilah (played by Hedy Lamarr), swears revenge and, while Samson evades the Philistines’ attempts to capture him and defeats entire armies due to his strength, she devises her own plan to bring him down. She uses her extraordinary beauty to seduce him and make him reveal the secret of his strength. It is his hair, and Delilah takes the opportunity to cut it, thus allowing the Philistines to finally capture him. Samson is blinded and forced to work as a slave before he is brought to the temple of Dagon to be whipped for the delight of the Philistines. However, Samson’s hair has grown in the meantime, and with it, his strength returns, allowing him the opportunity for a final defiant act against his tormentors.
Cecil B. DeMille is known as one of the founders of Hollywood. His long and fruitful career included dabbling in many genres, but what ultimately became his specialty were biblical epics. They allowed for a spectacular depiction of the ancient world and, more importantly, decadence and scantily clad women, all under the guise of being true to the Bible and preaching conservative moral values. The story of Samson, a strong and powerful man who succumbs to lust and pays a heavy price for his sin before redeeming himself through a selfless patriotic act, was quite fitting for this formula. DeMille originally wanted to make it in 1935, but he spent almost a decade and a half searching for the proper script and, more importantly, the right actors for two of its iconic characters. This long pause actually benefited the film, as it allowed DeMille and Paramount Pictures to not only find the right cast but also to collect the financial and technical resources for a spectacle of proper scope.
The most important addition to Samson and Delilah in comparison with previous biblical epics is colour. DeMille was already using Technicolor in his films, and here it serves a purpose, not only bringing back the old biblical world but also making it more realistic, even in scenes of violence that, due to blood, look rather graphic by 1940s Hollywood standards. Another important aspect is eroticism, which DeMille recognised long ago as an essential part of the formula. Delilah is dressed in rather skimpy costumes and is played by Hedy Lamarr, an Austrian actress who had become something of an icon by having nude scenes and simulating orgasm in the famous early sound drama Ecstasy a decade and a half earlier. Lamarr, here, in accordance with strict censorship standards of the MPAA Production Code, keeps her clothes on but oozes sensuality and shows an incredible ability for sexual manipulation that allows her character to bring down such a strong and powerful man like Samson.
DeMille was less fortunate in the case of Samson. While Victor Mature, an actor known for his strong physique, looks the part, his acting abilities here leave something to be desired. Mature, who never considered himself a proper actor, could deliver strong performances under the right direction, as in Kiss of Death a few years earlier, but here he is limited by overly theatrical dialogue and a lack of proper chemistry with Lamarr. Veteran character actor George Sanders leaves a much better impression as an unusually intelligent villain, and even young Angela Lansbury is good in the thankless role of the disposable “good” sister.
Samson and Delilah benefits greatly from the cinematography by George Barnes and the music by Victor Young, which sounds unusually modern compared to most soundtracks of 1940s Hollywood. The incredibly high budget is quite visible on the screen, and although the scene when Samson fights the lion involves the use of Mature’s stunt double, which is quite obvious to more perceptive viewers, the finale that involves the destruction of the temple represents classic Hollywood special effects at their best. Samson and Delilah, a production that was partially documented as a “meta” segment of Sunset Boulevard, has, unsurprisingly, become a massive hit and broken many box office records of its time, although DeMille would surpass its reputation with another The Ten Commandments, another grand biblical epic a few years later. Its success in the 1950s spawned ambitious productions of “larger-than-life” historical epics, and in Italy, a whole new genre of “sword and sandals” films featuring muscular protagonists with physiques like Mature’s Samson. Today, it can be viewed as a very good film, but mentioning locations like “Gaza” and the incredibly destructive finale might remind viewers that humanity in the past three thousand years hasn’t changed as much as most of us would hope."
RATING: 7/10 (+++)
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Ugl., vidim da si intenzivno počeo postat na B.l.u.r.t.u. Sve 5, ali...
Tamo su "pravila igre" malo drugačija. 😉
S tim u vezi, 3-4 posta dnevno je too much, po mom i prema onome što znam o toj platformi.
Druga stvar...
Malo sam čeprkala i gledala, pa mi se nakako čini da oni objavljeni između 16:00 i 16:30h (po našem vremenu) ti poberu najviše upvota. Valjda je tad ekipa tamo najaktivnija (ili barem oni koji imaju s čim upvotati)?! 😉
Pa kad to sve zbrojiš i oduzmeš, ono što bi ti moj savjet bio je, bolje jedan post dnevno (u pravo vrijeme), nego njih 3-4 od kojih će ostala 3 pokupit neku siću, a ti si potrošio temu (film).
Druga stvar, s tim u vezi - ovi veći account-i te, u pravilu, niti neće upvotat ako postaš više od jednog posta unutar 24h.
Jedino što je dobro, jest to da te bar neće izdownvotat zbog toga (ali kako rekoh, nebuš baš ni neke velike peneze pobral.)
I na kraju, ali ništa manje bitno, ta priča tamo je nastala kao neka vrsta revolta u odnosu na događanja ovdje: dominantni veliki kitovi koji vedre i oblače, razno-razna, manje-više, zatvorena cirkle-jerk-kružna upvotanja (mahom između njih samih i/ili njihovih altova, itd.). Znaš!
(Iako se i tamo sad već počinje događati slično, no lik još uvijek uspijeva kolko-tolko držati balans.)
Ugl., ekipa koja je tamo preselila za kreatorom uglavnom se sastoji od onih koji su iz ovog ili onog razloga ovdje bili na ovaj ili onaj način popljuvani, previše kontroverzni, prevelike i preglasne bunđije za pravdu i protiv nkeih ovdašnjih nepravdi, itd. (neki više, neki manje u pravu, neki zato jer im je galama i prigovaranje osnovna karakterna osobina, a neki pak skroz u pravu). Velika večina njih (iz svih grupa) ovdje je doživjela, nakon nekakvog (kakvog takvog prvotnog uspjeha) masovni ignore, a neki su bome i masovno izdownvotani. Nova B... opcija došla je samo tako!
Bilo je i ekipe koja je isto ili sl. doživjela samo zato što je objavljivala postove koji su se masama (ali sa niskim HP-om) možda čak i jako sviđali, ali se nekom kitu nebi, neovisno o tome da li je članak bio o tome kako je zemlja ravna, ili pak o nekim istinama ovdje koje svi vide, a nitko se o njima ne usudi govoriti.
Velika migracija od avde prema tamo također se dogodila u doba korone, pogotovo onih (nekad ovdje velikih) koji su počeli pričati protiv lock-down-a, cjepiva i uopće oko cijelog tog pandemijskog ludila koje je tada vladalo s tim u vezi. (A danas, i s temperaturom preko 38°C, doktor ti s tom dijagnozom ne smije otvoriti bolovanje, već mora zmišljavati da je nekaj treće u pitanju, jer kao ta dijagnoza više nije u programu zbog koje bi se bolovanje moglo dobiti).
Anyhow and in short, tada, naša draga "decentralizirana i demokratska" ovdašnja platforma (ili barem neke velike ovdašnje mange) nisu baš bile previše raspoložene (ako uopće) prema onima koji se nisu tada "politički korektno" izražvali i izjašnjavali, i koji nisu bili u skladu sa sveopće nametnutim narativom, te su okarakterizirani (s pravom ili ne) kao teoretičari zavjere. Pa su tako neki, a o koje se netko (ili više njih) jače okačilo, odlučili preselit.
Zbog svega toga, the biggest no, NO - tamo je ponovno objavljivanje već ranije ovdje objavljenih postova, isto kao i simultano objavljivanje jednog te istog na obje platforme. (Izuzetak je jedino Actifit aplikacija koja automatski objavljuje i tu i tamo, i to iz nekog meni nepoznatog razloga funkcionira i nije problem.)
Stoga prijatelju, moj ti je savjet, rewrite-aj (sam, s pomoću nekih alata ili u kombi), kako god, ali nemoj da te love na zareze i zato izbjegavaju. 😉
Nadam se da ćeš imati neke koristi od ovog mog podužeg monološkog izlaganja.
Sorry! Trudila sam se skratiti najviše što sam mogla, ali nije mi baš išlo kao što se vidi iz priloženog. 🤷♀️
Imat ću u vidu. Hvala.