Tech as CX-2

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Tech being revealed as CX-2 is a twist that could only work if properly planted early on in season 3 but it never was and the "hints" Tech fans believed in were just their own interpretation of events, however CX-2 being revealed as Cody could have worked considering even now we really don't know where he is, if Cody had joined up with Rex's underground cell then that would be something Rex would have mentioned to him and Cody being revealed as CX-2 wouldn't interfere with the story or it's timing, likewise I think CX-2 being revealed as clone we know wouldn't have messed with the story but I think instead only added to it but really in anycase people should have stopped with their theories the moment Jennifer came out and flatly said CX-2 is a new character. I honestly think they had something else planned with Cody but somewhere down the line their plans changed so they just had him disappear off screen for the rest of the show. I never took Rampart at his word when he claimed Cody defected but considering how things went he really did defect. Many parts of season 3 felt like Andor, all the Tantiss scenes especially.Kiners' tracks really helped capture that feel.
Honestly both Andor and TBB really capture how oppressive and widespread the Empire is. The sense of dread and resentment no matter where you are in the galaxy. If Hemlock and Gorst knew each other, they'd be fond of each other's methods lol.

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