Cash or Trash Show Review
Even though i watch series,movies,anime, read mangas and such i am not a fan of TV and its shows like Survivor, Got Talent, X Factor and such. One show though that i particularly enjoyed watching and was quite different than the rest is Cash Or Trash.
Cash or Trash is a TV show in my country, i believe that there must have been in other countries as well, we are not that original in terms of TV shows and has 45-minute episodes. I don't watch it on TV i prefer to watch the episodes online when i have free time.
The idea of the show is basically the following: There is one presenter along with an evaluator that welcomes the guests. The guests can be anyone and all you have to do is make a call and sign up. There is no age limit, no preference for gender, nothing. The only criterion is to have something that you want to get rid of and sell. It can be a jewel, a lamp, an old PlayStation anything. Ofc the more unique it is in terms of how the item looks the more chances you have to go to the show.
Now let's say you have an old lamp from your grandma that you don't want. Instead of throwing it in the garbage or selling it via a marketplace, you can go to the TV show, have the evaluator say something about your item, and its origins and most importantly provide you with an estimate regarding its price.
Then without revealing the price estimation, you go to a room with 4-5 buyers of different backgrounds, like people that own antique shops, collectors, architects, people that sell jewels, present your item and let them start a bidding war against each other for your product. When one of them remains with his higher price then he negotiates with the guy/girl on whether he/she will buy the product or not.

The reason i like the show is that it's plain and simple, there are no fights or such like in the other shows especially survivor and the most pathetic people end up being there. Also, as the name of the show suggests, the item someone has that many consider trash can turn out to be a unique item and earn a lot of money. At the same time, someone may have an item that is considered a treasure or something and can turn out as a Chinese rip-off. It's quite interesting to see people coming with items that they believe are worth thousands of euros like 4000-5000, ending up with an estimation of 500 euros and then with a bidding of 200 euros!
Finally, there are tons of different products that have been presented in that show and one cool thing i like is that you can learn a little something about each. Who knows, you may have something similar lurking in a closet in your house that you consider trash and many end up bringing you cash!
Do you have a show like this in your country? In general, let me know if you would watch a show like this or not and what kind of shows are you watching!
images and gifs 1 / The pictures are actual items form the show!