CineTV Contest: Small Soldiers Movie (1998)

Another day another movie, but this time the setting is a bit different. I decided to take part in a CineTV contest as when i read the title that movie came straight into my head. The contest is about a movie, or to be more precise my favorite movie with children and how it connected me with my childhood or in general what it means to me. If you want to read more about the contest all you have to do is click here.
Before i tell you why i chose this film and what it means to me i think i should highlight two things. The first one is that this isn't my favorite film with children and the reason is quite simple, i don't have a favorite film but at least a dozen that can fall easily in that category, and series as well.
The second thing i want to highlight is the plot. So the movie was released back in 1998 and it is an action comedy film. The protagonists at that time were two kids played by Kirsten Dunst and Gregory Smith. Also note that some of the voice actors were Frank Langella and Tommy Lee Jones, talk about legends. Also, it was the final film for Phil Hartman and Clint Walker.
The plot is actually pretty straightforward and that's how it should be if you ask me as the audience is primarily consisting of kids. We got GloboTech Industries a defence contractor buying a toy company. They try to create a "smart toy" on the 2 following toy figure series, the Commando Elite and Gorgonites. They then integrate a microprocessor that they don't know it was actually meant for the department of defence.
Alan, a young boy working at his family toy store persuades the delivery man to bring him the series which he does. Then both the leaders of the 2 functions are activated and "gain life". Alan soon finds out what's happening and along with his crush Cristy they try to find a solution. Soon the Commando Elite faction that is supposed to be the bad guys are taking over bringing an "all-out war" to Alan and his family as well as the Gorgonites.
What this movie meant/means to me and why i Liked it so much
Now bear with me a bit as things will get deep. I saw the movie as a kid and i immediately got hooked. Not only the set was unique and the idea quite fresh and original in my mind but as a kid everything felt extremely realistic. Even if you watch the film now you can tell that they did a pretty good job for 1998. Heck there are movies of 2020+ that look more fake.
Now as i mentioned everything felt realistic in my eyes and a new world opened. At the same time i really like and like the language of the toys. We got great messages that passed to the viewers and we also got some sick jokes and phrases that even adults would laugh and as kids, we could also feel a bit more like adults ourselves.
Also, as a kid who liked action figures and had a bunch of them, i felt like my toys had life as well and that one day they would talk to me. That's why i also took great care of them. Now the interesting thing is that when i rewatched that movie around a year ago i was able to enjoy it as well.
It brought back memories and nostalgia and i remembered myself playing with my own toys and imagining that one day they would get alive and start talking with me. I also, appreciated the setting, the actors and their hard work more than when i was a kid.
Finally, i believe that by watching that movie i started to take better care of my toys and from then when i played with them i felt that more possibilities opened. It was like this movie opened my imagination or led me to new paths in that aspect!
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What a wonderful review of this wonderful moive! One of my childhood favourite with action, adventure. We recall our childhood memory by this type of movies. Thanks for sharing 😊💕
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Thanks a lot for stopping by and that it brought back memories!
It is Toy Story but for more grown up kids. I didn't have the Small Soldiers, but other Toys like Ninja Turtles and Transformers I played a lot with, so the movie really jelled with me as well.
I am kind of sad that it never got continued while Toy Story got like 8 sequels that I would never watch because it is just too childish.
I agree with you! I have watched the first Toy story movies but i can't say that i am a fan!
I have slight memories of this film, they are so slight that I have to watch this movie again, I remember that even my dad bought me the game for play 1 haha
if you watch it let me know whether you like it or not!
Also, thanks a lot for stopping by!