Spider-Man: A través del Spider-Verso / Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse [ESP-ENG] ¡¡SPOILER ALERT!!
Espero les guste mucho y sin nada más de que decir... Los dejo con la reseña.
Hello, Hive moviegoers! Yesterday was the preview of Spider-Man: Across the Universe and today I bring you the review (with Spoiler) of the movie. It lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes and I think it's worth to watch it with friends who love the multiverse of this superhero, because the movie has a lot to cut through.
I hope you like it a lot and with nothing more to say.... I leave you with the review.
Aunque no fue así, Gwen carga con la culpa de todo esto y eso la hacer recordar mucho a Miles y todo lo que vivió con él en tan poco tiempo.
In this second installment the movie starts focusing more than anything on Gwen Stacy as it shows us a little of her personal life; we see that she has a band and that her relationship with her father is not so good since the death of her best friend (Peter Parker), as he keeps reminding her that Spider-Woman was to blame for it.
Although it was not so, Gwen carries the guilt of all this and that makes her remember Miles and everything she lived with him in such a short time.
Miles tiene claro lo que quiere hacer con su futuro, sin embargo la creencia de sus padres lo ponen en una situación incomoda y difícil.
For his part, Miles continues with his life as Spider-Man, while trying to deal with his responsibilities. His relationship with his parents is apparently not very good because they feel that he is not fulfilling his duty to be an exemplary student and son, which keeps them in conflict most of the time. I partly understand this since Miles doesn't seem to care about anything but being Spider-Man, but I can't judge him for the double life he leads.
Miles is clear about what he wants to do with his future, however, his parents' beliefs put him in an uncomfortable and difficult situation.
En medio de la pelea con este nuevo villano, aparece otro hombre araña, el cual rápidamente nos damos cuenta que es el 2099; este tiene un grupo de hombres/mujeres araña de diferentes universo pero hasta este punto no sabemos el fin de ello. Este Spider-Man, tiene una apariencia diferente al resto y el junto con su pandilla, son los que se encargan de atrapar a los villanos para mandarlos a su respectivo universo.
Returning to Gwen, she faces serious enemies from other dimensions (that should not be there), but thanks to the failure of the portal that opened, they arrived in her universe. Gwen is the only one who can face it and therefore, the police officer Stacy (Gwen's dad) devises a plan to catch the spider woman (without knowing that it is Gwen) for the murder of Peter Parker.
In the middle of the fight with this new villain, another spider-man appears, which we quickly realize is the 2099; this one has a group of spider-men/women from different universe but until this point we don't know the end of it. This Spider-Man, has a different appearance from the rest and he along with his gang, are the ones who are responsible for catching the villains to send them to their respective universe.
When the fight is over, Gwen is left alone and unprotected and to her bad luck, her father finds her and being about to put her in prison, he has no choice but to show her his face. Realizing that Spider-Woman is his daughter, he feels cheated and decides to treat her as just another criminal. Luckily, at that moment a Spider-Woman from another universe appears, who is part of the Spider-Man 2099 gang and asks her to join the group; Gwen, not wanting to go to jail and feeling that she lost her father, agrees and leaves.
Se encierra en su habitación y aparece Gwen desde un portal, le explica las cosas por encima y le pide que den un vuelta. Aunque hablan de muchas cosas, Gwen no le dice a Miles lo que realmente debe saber, ya que simplemente lo quería ver por última vez ya que sus planes eran otros.
For his part, Miles continues to face the same family problems, as his lack of commitment to school, and to his parents (especially his father), call into question his values, as they stop trusting him and then, they punish him.
He locks himself in his room and Gwen appears from a doorway, explains things to him and asks him to go for a walk. Although they talk about many things, Gwen doesn't tell Miles what he really needs to know, as she simply wanted to see him one last time since her plans were elsewhere.
Para su desgracia "el manchas" se sale de control y las cosas empeoran para Gwen y para todos.
Miles había seguido a Gwen y se había dado cuenta de toda la conversación que había tenido ella con su tutora, entonces decide seguirla a otro universo para "ayudarla" a enfrentar el gran problema que se le avecinaba.
Gwen is in Miles' universe with the purpose of catching "the blob", a villain that the more blobs he gets the more powerful he becomes, since these "blobs" are nothing more and nothing less than universes.
To his misfortune "the blob" gets out of control and things get worse for Gwen and for everyone.
Miles had followed Gwen and realized all the conversation she had had with her tutor, so he decides to follow her to another universe to "help" her face the big problem that was coming.
Aparentemente todo había salido bien, pues salvaron a muchas personas, por lo cual recibieron muchos elogios y agradecimientos por los habitantes de ese universo, pero, no se le dio la debida importancia al evento canónico el cual era muy importante tener en cuenta, pues de ello dependía la existencia de ese universo.
Gwen, Miles and two other very peculiar Spider-Men join forces to save Pavitr Prabhakar's universe from "The Blob" that had gotten out of control and wanted to end it all.
Apparently everything had gone well, since they saved many people, for which they received many praises and thanks from the inhabitants of that universe, but, due importance was not given to the canonical event which was very important to take into account, since the existence of that universe depended on it.
El evento canónico no se completó porque Miles estaba ahí, el cual fue el primer error, pues si Miles no hubiera estado en el universo de Pavitr Prabhakar, este se mantendría y no desaparecía.
A canonical event is something that must be taken for granted, that is to say that it has to happen if or if. In the movie the canonical event was to let a police captain die, because in case you don't remember, in all Spiderman movies a Captain dies and although it sounds harsh, it is something that must happen for everything to remain normal.
The canonical event was not completed because Miles was there, which was the first mistake, because if Miles had not been in Pavitr Prabhakar's universe, it would remain and not disappear.
Miles estaba emocionado por conocer al líder y a todos los demás que hacían parte, pero, no fue bien recibido por que a pesar de que no tenia ni idea de lo que pasaba, era el responsable de todo lo malo que estaba pasando.
Because of this, all the Spider-man/woman (including Miles), were taken back to the barracks, because what was happening was serious and it was time for him to know everything at last.
Miles was excited to meet the leader and all the others who were part of it, but, he was not well received because even though he had no idea what was going on, he was responsible for all the bad things that were happening.
En el universo de Miles ya existía un Spiderman, el cual era Peter Parker y si recordamos este murió básicamente por salvar a Miles. Lo que Miguel le dice a Miles es que si a el no le hubiera picado la araña, Peter Parker estuviera vivo y habría logrado detener el portal a tiempo.
What happened here was the following: Miles should never have been Spiderman, it was basically the original mistake, because the spider that bit him was not from his dimension, it was from universe 42 and let's remember that Miles belongs to universe 1610. Then, as it is obvious, the spider had to bite someone from universe 42 for there to be a Spiderman, but since it bit Miles, in that universe there is no such hero.
In Miles' universe there was already a Spiderman, which was Peter Parker and if we remember he basically died to save Miles. What Miguel tells Miles is that if he had not been bitten by the spider, Peter Parker would be alive and would have managed to stop the portal in time.
Miguel sabe las consecuencias que puede traer la no realización de este evento y por ello trata de retener a Miles, lo cual le queda muy difícil ya que este tiene un plan de escape bajo la manga pues por ninguna circunstancia dejara morir a su padre.
Esta parte es graciosa porque todos los Spiderman/Spiderwoman, se unen para detenerlo, pero ninguno lo consigue.
Miles was sorry that he went to the barracks and that Gwen had come to visit him, because apart from finding out all of the above, he discovered that his father must die, since he is a captain. His father's death is a canonical event that must happen, but Miles will try to avoid it at all costs.
Miguel knows the consequences of not carrying out this event and therefore tries to keep Miles, which is very difficult for him since he has an escape plan up his sleeve because under no circumstances will he let his father die.
This part is funny because all Spiderman/Spiderwoman, unite to stop him, but none of them succeed.
A pesar de que logra salir del cuartel y de llegar a un nuevo universo, nos damos cuenta en pocos minutos de que definitivamente no pertenece a esa dimensión, pues su tío Aaron (el merodeador) está vivo y su padre está muerto, cuando debería ser lo contrario.
Miles manages to escape and arrives at the place in the barracks where the "go home" transporter is, which takes any person/object/villain to the dimension where he belongs.
Although he manages to get out of the barracks and arrive in a new universe, we realize in a few minutes that he definitely does not belong to that dimension, as his uncle Aaron (the marauder) is alive and his father is dead, when it should be the opposite.
El merodeador lo tiene cautivo, pero Gwen sabe del peligro en el que se encuentra Miles, pues tengamos en cuenta que Miles fue transportado a ese mundo porque por su sangre corre el gen de la araña 42 y esto ella lo sabe. Por ello se encarga de reunir a todos los Spiderman cercanos para que la ayuden a encontrar a Miles y poder salvar a su padre.
Miles knows the danger that is coming, because not being in his dimension he will not be able to save his father from "the stain" and to make matters worse, he meets the Miles of that dimension which is nothing more and nothing less than the prowler.
The marauder has him captive, but Gwen knows of the danger in which Miles is, because let's keep in mind that Miles was transported to that world because in his blood runs the gene of the spider 42 and she knows this. That's why she is in charge of gathering all the nearby Spiderman to help her find Miles and save his father.
Basically the movie ends here, but I must say that there were details that I left out because I feel it would be great for you to see it with your own eyes, but anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you liked the review.