Spider-Man: un nuevo universo / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. [ESP-ENG] ¡¡SPOILER ALERT!!
La primera parte lleva por titulo Spider-Man: un nuevo universo y en ella tenemos como protagonista a un chico de preparatoria llamado Miles Morales, el cual vive en Brooklyn con sus padres, con los cuales tiene una relación normal de adolescentes y padres.
Hello, Hive moviegoers! As you know, in two days Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will be released, and to do a sort of recap, today I bring you the review of the first part. I hope you like it a lot and without anything else to say, let's begin...
The first part is titled Spider-Man: A New Universe and in it we have as a protagonist a high school boy named Miles Morales, who lives in Brooklyn with his parents, with whom he has a normal relationship of teenagers and parents.
El muralismo es algo que disfruta hacer con su tío, pero de esto hablaremos más adelante...
We start seeing a Miles who denies his life a little, because he believes that his father does not trust in his talent and therefore does not support him, because, although he stands out for being a smart boy and therefore studies in one of the best schools in the district, what really interests him is muralism.
Mural painting is something he enjoys doing with his uncle, but we will talk about this later...
Entre Miles y el tío existe una buena relación ya que este no le prohíbe hacer lo que más le gusta que es pintar murales, como ya había dicho.
At school, Miles meets a girl named "Wanda" who is new and like him, has no friends. Between "Wanda" and Miles there is a kind of connection and when he feels a little attracted to her, he goes to the guy to ask him for dating and relationship advice.
Between Miles and the guy there is a good relationship since the latter does not forbid him to do what he likes the most, which is to paint murals, as he had already said.
Al día siguiente Miles se percata de que tiene cambios físicos notorios y de algo muy peculiar (se le pegan las cosas a las manos), lo cual no puede controlar y lo lleva a tener uno que otro percance en las escuela y por desgracia con "Wanda".
In a fit of rebellion, they both go on a train to a place where they can paint something clandestinely and while they are there talking and painting, Miles is bitten by a spider. At this point we learn that the spider is radioactive, but Miles simply doesn't care.
The next day Miles notices that he has noticeable physical changes and something very peculiar (things stick to his hands), which he cannot control and leads him to have some mishaps at school and unfortunately with "Wanda".
Miles se encontraba en una fortaleza en donde un científico en el afán de regresar a su mujer y a su hijo con el, abrió un portal multidimensional sin medir las consecuencias. Peter Parker, el actual hombre araña de el universo de Miles, se estaba enfrentando con ese gigante para poder evitar el caos que se venía, pero por desgracia murió a manos del gigante científico malvado.
Being restless and curious to know if he had really become the spider man or was losing his sanity, he dares to go to the place where he was bitten to go see it; realizing that in reality if it was genetically modified he is scared and tries not to assimilate it, but to his bad luck in that same place was happening something that would give a twist to his life, without knowing it.
Miles was in a fortress where a scientist, in his eagerness to return his wife and son to him, opened a multidimensional portal without measuring the consequences. Peter Parker, the current Spider-Man of Miles' universe, was confronting this giant in order to avoid the chaos that was coming, but unfortunately he died at the hands of the giant evil scientist.
En esta parte Peter le dice a Miles que cualquiera puede poseer la mascara y lo que nos quiere decir eso, es que todos podemos ser héroes cuando se tiene motivo o algo por lo que vivir, en este caso Miles no lo sabía aún, pero los lazos que crearía mas adelante y los que reforzaría con su familia, eran el motivo.
Before dying, Miles had a conversation with Peter Parker and he told him that it was very important not to carry out the plans of the evil giant, because his family would cease to exist, then Miles, hearing the big trouble that would come, made a promise to Peter Parker to stop all the chaos.
In this part Peter tells Miles that anyone can possess the mask and what he wants to tell us is that we can all be heroes when we have a reason or something to live for, in this case Miles did not know it yet, but the ties he would create later and those that would strengthen with his family, were the reason.
Miles pretende que Peter B. lo ayude con todo lo relacionado a los poderes y como llevarlos a cabo, pero éste no tenía ganas ni de existir sinceramente.
While Miles was in the cemetery saying goodbye to Peter, another Peter Parker appeared (it is understood that from another dimension), which thanks to the portal was there. This Peter was older and somewhat physically neglected.
Miles pretends that Peter B. helps him with everything related to the powers and how to carry them out, but this one did not even want to exist sincerely.
La misión no es sencilla ya que necesitan infiltrarse en la fortaleza del gigante malvado para poder obtener acceso a un código y posteriormente a un chip que les permitirá cerrar el portal y evitar el caos.
Although Peter B. refuses to teach Miles what he needed to know, when he learns that Miles made a promise to the former Spider-Man, he changes his mind and decides to help him in his mission.
The mission is not simple as they need to infiltrate the evil giant's fortress in order to gain access to a code and later a chip that will allow them to close the portal and prevent chaos.
Upon entering there they meet Doctor Octopus, which is the universe's version of Doctor Octopus, and discover that she is the mastermind of everything that was happening. Here begins the struggle to get the information from a pc (literally) and the team of the two (Peter and Miles) is joined by the spider woman, who is nothing more and nothing less than Gwen Stacy, which had been passed off as "Wanda", because her "spidey instinct" told her that she should enter the school where Miles was to meet him, basically.
Aquí sucede algo importante, pues ellos tres no son los únicos arácnidos que estaban en ese universo, entonces nos encontramos con unos héroes muy peculiares que van desde robots hasta dibujos animados.
El grupo básicamente se ve así:
After getting away with it and getting the information they needed, they go to Aunt May's house to ask for help; she guides them to Peter Parker's (the deceased Spider-Man) basement and helps them with what they need.
Something important happens here, as the three of them are not the only arachnids that were in that universe, so we meet some very peculiar heroes ranging from robots to cartoons.
The group basically looks like this:
El merodeador a perseguido a Miles desde el principio básicamente pues era el único que sabia exactamente lo que había pasado con el antiguo hombre araña.
Although there are several of them, only one of them can really stop the portal and that is Miles, but unfortunately he is the least prepared of them, because as you know his powers were acquired recently and he has not had a good guide nor the opportunity to practice well, because there has been fight upon fight with those who work for the giant and especially with one of them which is The Prowler.
The Prowler has pursued Miles from the beginning basically because he was the only one who knew exactly what had happened to the former Spider-Man.
Miles se lleva a su tío lejos de todo este lío para poder despedirse de el y mientras está haciéndolo, aparece su padre a ver que sucedía (ya que es policía) y asume que el hombre araña tuvo que ver con la de su hermano.
Unfortunately in one of these chases, we discover that The Prowler is Miles' uncle (Aaron) and precisely at the moment that Miles reveals to him that in reality the new Spider-Man is his nephew, the nephew is devastated by his boss, the evil giant.
Miles takes his uncle away from all this mess to say goodbye to him and while he is doing so, his father appears to see what happened (since he is a policeman) and assumes that Spider-Man had to do with his brother's death.
No debemos olvidar que Miles emocionalmente está destrozado por lo de su tío y aparte de ello no tiene una buena relación actual con sus padres, así que es entendible que no esté en disposición para salvar el mundo. Sin embargo Peter B. le aconseja que no acelere las cosas, pues cuando esté listo, el lo sabrá.
From here, things get complicated, because none of the group trusts Miles' ability, and although he can become invisible and electrocute, he cannot control his power. Then Peter B., seeing what Miles is going through, thinks of sacrificing himself to close the portal himself.
We must not forget that Miles is emotionally shattered by his uncle and besides that he does not have a good relationship with his parents, so it is understandable that he is not in a position to save the world. However Peter B. advises him not to rush things, because when he is ready, he will know.
Luckily Miles gets motivated and heads to Aunt May who was waiting for him to give him a couple of gifts and of course, a decent suit, which I loved because he customized it in his own way, adding his artistic touch.
La batalla estuvo dura, pues tuvieron que pelear con la Doctora Octopus y aparte de eso, se estaba saliendo de control el portal y pues lidiar con ambas cosas al mismo tiempo fue muy complicado para todos.
Miles, confident and motivated, goes to the portal to support his friends, who deep down knew that at some point his power would come to the surface and when they saw him arrive at the battle, they were clearly very happy.
The battle was hard, because they had to fight with Doctor Octopus and besides that, the portal was getting out of control and dealing with both things at the same time was very complicated for everyone.
Peter B. no quería dejar a Miles solo y por ello fue el último en irse, pues no creía que el podría con el gigante malvado y temía por su vida; sin embargo Miles, le asegura que todo estará bien y que siente que tiene lo suficiente para vencerlo y acabar con todo de una vez. La despedida de los dos es bastante emotiva y debo decir que Peter B. no tenía intenciones realmente de volver a su universo, pues se sentía un fracaso, pero de alguna u otra manera Miles le hizo creer en el sentido que tenía su vida.
Luckily, all together they managed to stop the portal and as they know it was time to say goodbye, because, we must take into account that the more time spent in the wrong universe the less time they would have to live, therefore, Gwen, Peter and the other arachnids had a warm farewell or maybe a see you soon.
Peter B. did not want to leave Miles alone and therefore was the last to leave, because he did not believe that he could with the evil giant and feared for his life; however Miles, assures him that everything will be fine and feels he has enough to beat him and end it all once and for all. The farewell of the two is quite emotional and I must say that Peter B. had no real intention of returning to his universe, as he felt like a failure, but somehow or other Miles made him believe in the meaning of his life.
In the end, Miles is confronted with the evil giant who almost ends up alive, luckily the motivation of a father and to see his loved ones again, makes Miles gain strength and emerge victorious from the fight.
Nos vemos la próxima con la reseña de la segunda parte 😀
I know it's a lot of text, but I wanted to do a complete review. I hope you liked it a lot and thanks for reading.
See you next time with the review of the second part 😀