Corona Extra, Yona Yona Ale, and a movie / コロナ エキストラ、よなよなエール、そして映画

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I will participate in @detlev's The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 387!

This afternoon was the first time in a long time that I seemed to have time, so I decided to have a beer and watch a movie during the day.

I wonder how many movies I was able to see this year... I have been watching fewer and fewer movies every year, and I am feeling a mild sense of crisis these days. Still, in the year 2024, I have started to watch more Japanese films, which I had not been interested in for many years, and this may be considered as an evolution for me.

Today I decided to watch “The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps” which I had on my Amazon Prime Video watchlist.

Well, the first can of beer is Corona Extra. It is a premium beer that originated in Mexico and is loved in over 180 countries around the world. I have had it once and liked the refreshing taste, so I bought another one today.

The color is almost yellow and the taste is crisp. The alcohol content is 4.5%, but why did it seem stronger?😅

The pumpkin salad, octopus and broccoli basil salad from the convenience store was served on plates.

“The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps” is a 2018 Japanese film, based on a novel by Keigo Higashino. Actually, I don't really like Keigo Higashino (not because of his works, but for the childish reason that someone I used to dislike read a lot), and if I had known it was based on his work, I might not have watched this movie.

The content is, ummm.... The story is about a couple on the verge of divorce whose daughter drowns in a swimming pool and becomes brain dead, and when faced with the hard choice of whether or not to donate her organs, they decide to refuse and care for her at home.

Up until the middle of the movie, I was watching it thinking, "I don't like them, they are kind of a pretentious couple, the husband in particular is a bit dumb, there is no sense of reality, they can make that choices because they are rich, the house and the wife are too clean and beautiful for a home care provider of a brain-dead child...”. However, perhaps it was because of the beer, but halfway through the movie, the story started to sink in and I cried raggedly at the end.

The second beer I drank was Yona Yona Ale by YoHo Brewing. As I recall, I drank this the first time I participated in this Beer Saturday, and loved the pretty can, the strong citrus aroma, and this amber color, so I repeated it this time. It is a style of beer called American Pale Ale.

The alcohol content is 5.5 percent. I think that Yona Yona Ale is still characterized by its aroma. The aroma is said to be brought about by the aroma hop “Cascade” and caramel malt, and I love the strong aroma that comes through to the nose like black tea or herbal tea.

I drank two cans and cried at the movie, which was great, but then I got a headache and went bed. So I can finally post at this time.

Sorry for the late posting, but I hope I got it in time! Thanks again for another great week of events!


@detlev さんのThe #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 387に参加します!


映画、今年は何本観られたのかな… 年々鑑賞数が少なくなっていて、軽い危機感をおぼえている今日この頃です。それでも2024年は、長年興味がなかった邦画をよく観るようになったことは、私にとってひとつの進化といえるかもしれません。






内容は、うーん… 。離婚寸前だった夫婦の娘がプールで溺れて脳死状態となり、臓器提供をするかどうかの厳しい選択を迫られる中、拒否して在宅介護を決意するという物語です。

途中までは、何だか気取った夫婦だな、特に旦那はちょっとズレてるな、リアリティないな、金持ちだからできる選択だよな、脳死状態の子どもを在宅介護しているにしては家の中も奥さんも綺麗すぎるんじゃないの… なんてちょっと斜に構えた感じで観ていたのですが、ビールのせいでしょうか、途中からストーリーがやたらと心に沁みてきてしまい、ラストはボロボロと泣いてしまいました😢



2缶飲んで、映画で泣いて… までは良かったのですが、その後頭が痛くなってしまって・・・この時間になってようやく投稿できます。遅くなってしまいましたが、間に合っているといいな!


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I've tried Coronita, and it's a beer that drinks almost like a soft drink. I like it. And about the movie, maybe you were emocinated by the beer, or maybe it's just a good movie. Glad to see you posting. It means you're over the headache.

Greetings from Spain @go-kyo.


Thank you!
Yeah, I can see why Corona Extra is so popular😉It was refreshing and very easy to drink.
I am not a big fan of movies that make me cry, but somehow today it touched my heart.


We agree on the opinion about Coronita. See you again in a few days. Hugs.



