Elon Musk at Saturday Night Live - Dogecoin is a hustle...
I can't really believe it, but Elon Musk was the host of the Saturday Night Live show at NBC in the USA. It started at 05.30 in the morning local time in Europe. I hadn't planned to wake up for it, but as I opened my eyes, I could see 4.55, so I jumped out of bed and got ready to see what Elon had to say.
The most spectacular came first - Elon Musk has Aspergers!
I guess I wanted to find out what he had to say about Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies. That was my main motivation for watching the show, and especially, his monologue. But, as he finished his monologue, I was struck by a different fact.
Elon Musk said that he was the first with Aspergers to host Saturday Night Live.
Now, that came as a surprise. Not that he was the first to host SNL with Aspergers (the truth is, he is the second, as Dan Aykroyd hosted the show in 2005, and he also has it), but the fact that he has Aspergers. Can you believe it? The richest guy in the USA (if not the richest, then the second richest guy) has Aspergers. My immediate question is - What is your excuse?
We are always looking for excuses for why we can't succeed... and here comes Elon Musk, one of the most successful and revolutionary entrepreneurs in the world, and one of the richest dudes in the world... and he has Aspergers. This is the first time he has spoken about it in public, but to me, this was mindblowing!
Besides joking about the fact that he has Aspergers, he also spoke about the power of his tweets, and how he is just having fun in many ways.
Later in the show came the news report about cryptocurrencies
It was at a later stage of the show that he started to speak about cryptocurrencies, and of course, about Dogecoin. This was actually quite funny, so if you haven't seen it yet, go ahead and watch it immediately.
This is when he is speaking about all the important cryptocurrencies that has seen a mindblowing growth (in value) recently. And of course, he speaks of himself as the "Dogefather." But, that is when they start to have fun with the coin, as he is asked several times: "What is Dogecoin?" He keeps answering general answers, not really giving any useful information about the coin, nor about its usecase.
And in the end, that is the conclusion! He says that it is a hustle (something that is similar to a scam). Of course, it isn't, especially considering that he is telling people that a Dogecoin is just as real as a Dollar. So, all in all, even the Dogecoin community seems to be happy about his appearance on the show!
It was worth waking up because of SNL!
I have got to say, it was worth getting up early in the morning to watch it. Of course, those of you who missed out on the show, go ahead and watch it on YouTube instead. I have added the two clips in which Elon Musk appeared and that I believe to be the most interesting parts of the show!
This is an original article written by me for Project Hope!