Sketchbook 036 - FANART FRIDAYS - Joaquin Phoenix's Joker

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Hi and happy (finally) Friday!!

This is by no means an attempt to start the whole 'best Joker' argument again...(okay, maybe it is...feel free to attack the comments haha)
According to me, Joaquin Phoenix's Joker has been one of the absolute best. I first watched it in the cinema, after reading somewhere that it was upsetting people enough to get them to walk out of cinemas. The next day, I was back, wanting to watch it again!

Obviously I am very excited about Joker 2 being released soon, especially since it will also have Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Exciting stuff! Meanwhile I am still trying to find an opportunity to go watch The Bikeriders movie. (Yes, for obvious reasons!)

Anyways...before I rant and ramble on too much, let's get into it!

As usual...skipping the boring suffering over proportions part...we start with a very simple sketch.

I started this drawing yesterday, after realizing that it was already Thursday! It is kind of nice but also stressful to finally be getting a few drawing requests, even though I am still working for free!

I chose to go with a rather aggressive looking technique. It felt very appropriate to the character I was attempting to draw (and also saved some time) it is something I learnt from an artist friend (google Michael Alan Alien, he is awesome and one of the nicest people ever) He once suggested attempting to match the technique you use to how you feel about the subject. It was some of the best advice I have ever received! the video is super silly...but my pen ran out of ink...again! Also, making videos is fun...

I chose to add some messy colour details to finish it off. I think it captures the essence of the character quite well.

I am a little bit disappointed with the fact that the final thing doesn't look that much like Joaquin but I do still like it. Guess I am just grateful that it doesn't look like Dave Grohl (long story, annoying story)

Well, that's it! Musing over stuff and things and some good ol' fanart to finish off your week.

Till next time, thank you for reading and being part of my crazy little journey though space and time. Much love and good vibes!

Credit - All work and phots belong to me
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How are you


Manic and busy lol 😆 not too bad. Everyone has finally stopped being sick, so I'm hoping this weekend will be nice. Might visit the Excalibur castle on Sunday 😁😁😁


this is awesome though 😮 I've been thinking of drawing this joker for a while now, but i never could find the time and energy to do so


It is always the most difficult to get started on a new drawing, isn't it?! 😅 I look forward to seeing it if you do get around to it though!


maybe I'll go for it this weekend since I do have free time on my hands now


That's great news! Can't wait to see 🥳



The sketch came out superb, and I like the final result as well, it has a very good reassurance of Joaquin Phoenix joker, you nailed, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏


Oh thank you so much! I always worry that they don't look right! Thank you for reading and the kind words! have a wonderful day


They look amazing, you are welcome, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏