Which Country Has the Worst TV Series? [EN-TR]

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Recently I shared with you a post about Turkish TV series, and I came up with the following thought. Which country has the worst TV series? Since I am not someone who watches a lot of TV series, your comments are very important for me.


You know how much I criticize Turkish TV series, but I cannot say that it is the worst because I see some Indian TV series on TV and they are even worse than Turkish TV series! It is not even possible for me to watch an episode completely, but my grandmother loves it. Older people like soap operas extra, that's true, but for young people it's not interesting at all. The Indian dramas I see have minutes of staring and dramatic transitions. When two people are looking at each other it sounds like an action scene is going to happen lol. But does that make Indian dramas the worst in the industry or worse than Turkish dramas?


Every country has hundreds of dramas and maybe the ones I watch are the worst Indian dramas. So it wouldn't be right to judge like that. For example, we watch successful series from every country on Netflix. La Casa de Papel is a very good series, that's true, but that doesn't mean that Spain is successful in the series industry because one example doesn't represent the whole country. That's why it's useful to get @pravesh0's opinion. Do you think the Indian drama industry is successful? Are there any shows that you or your family follow? I'm really stuck on this topic and I think the best thing I can do is to get information from the locals because they can give the best interpretation.


So are Turkish TV series really bad? I know that some people find some Turkish TV series really successful, so I had to look into that. I checked the IMDB scores of some of the TV series that are currently airing in my country and shows like Red Goncalar, Bahar and Uzak Şehir have very high scores. Maybe it's just that TV series don't appeal to me. At this point I felt the need to ask another active Hive user, @bemier what do you think? Do you watch any Turkish TV series? I'm talking about the ones currently on air.

Let's leave all that aside, do you watch your own country's TV series? Do you like your country's series? Or which country do you think has the worst TV series? Share these details with me in the comments and let's find out together which country has the worst TV series haha.
Thank you very much for reading. Take care and have a great day.


Geçtiğimiz günlerde sizlerle Türk dizilerine dair bir gönderi paylaşmıştım. Bunun üzerine aklıma şöyle bir düşünce geldi. En kötü televizyon dizilerine sahip ülke hangisi? Ben çok fazla dizi izleyen biri olmadığım için sizin yorumlarınız benim için çok önemli.


Türk dizilerini ne kadar eleştirdiğimi siz biliyorsunuz ama en kötüsü odur diyemiyorum çünkü televizyonda bazı hint dizilerini görüyorum ve bunlar türk dizilerinden bile kötü! Benim için bir bölümü tamamen izlemek bile mümkün değil ama babaannem buna bayılıyor. Yaşlı insanlar pembe dizileri ekstra seviyor bu doğru ama gençler için bu hiç ilgi çekici değil. Benim gördüğüm hint dizilerinde dakikalarca bakışma ve çarpıcı geçişler var. Sanki iki insan birbirine bakarken bir aksiyon sahnesi olacakmış gibi sesler geliyor lol. Ama bu Hint dizilerini sektörün en kötüsü veya Türk dizilerinden daha kötü yapar mı?


Her ülkenin yüzlerce dizisi var ve belki de benim izlediklerim Hindistan'ın en kötü dizileridir. Bu yüzden bu şekilde yargılamak doğru olmaz. Örneğin Netflix'te her ülkenin başarılı dizilerini izliyoruz. La Casa de Papel çok güzel bir dizi bu doğru ama bu İspanya'nın dizi sektöründe başarılı olduğu anlamına gelmez çünkü bir örnek tüm ülkeyi temsil etmez. Bu yüzden @pravesh0'in fikrini almakta fayda var. Sence Hint dizi sektörü başarılı mı? Senin ya da ailenin takip ettiği diziler var mı? Bu konu gerçekten kafama takıldı ve sanırım lokallerden bilgi almak yapabileceğim en doğru şey çünkü en doğru yorumu onlar yapabilir.


Peki Türk dizileri gerçekten kötü mü? Bazı insanların bazı Türk dizilerini gerçekten çok başarılı bulduğunu biliyorum bu yüzden bunu da araştırmam gerekti. Ülkemde şu anda yayında olan bazı televizyon dizilerinin IMDB puanlarını kontrol ettim. Kızıl Goncalar, Bahar ve Uzak Şehir gibi diziler oldukça yüksek puana sahipler. Belki sadece diziler bana hitap etmiyordur. Bu noktada başka bir aktif Hive kullanıcısına sorma ihtiyacı hissettim. @bemier sen ne düşünüyorsun? İzlediğin hiç Türk dizisi var mı? Şu anda yayında olan dizilerden bahsediyorum.

Bunları bir kenara bırakalım, siz kendi ülkenizin Televizyon dizilerini izliyor musunuz? Ülkenizin dizilerini seviyor musunuz? Ya da sizce en kötü televizyon dizilerine sahip ülke hangisi? Yorumlarda benimle bu detayları paylaşın ve birlikte en kötü dizilerin hangi ülkeye ait olduğunu bulalım haha.
Okuduğunuz için çok teşekkürler. Kendinize çok iyi bakın ve harika bir gün geçirin.

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For me my country Italy have the worst series. And I think a country that it's undervalued but have many cool TV series it's India ❤️❤️


Alright, what's the worst TV series of your country in your opinion. I'll take a look to it 😂


Well, I'm from Venezuela and in my country the series that are usually made are more like novels. I am not a fan of Turkish or Indian cinema but I understand that they are characterized by “exaggerating” certain themes and scenes.

The Indians are more inclined to comedy, I don't know why and the truth is that I don't like them at all. However, their culture is very nice

I don't know which country is the worst at making Movies hahaha but probably both Turks and Indians are among the worst. Greetings! 🧡


Yes, in Turkish dramas the staring scenes are exaggerated and in Indian dramas I see that the falling scenes are usually exaggerated. What do you think about the TV series in your country? Do you like watching them?


At the moment I am not a big fan of novels. At least I haven't reached the age where I like them enough to watch them often. At the moment I watch more movies and series, mostly thrillers, horror and science fiction, and you?


I like thrillers, action, Sci-Fi and comedy.


Don't know about series.
Imo they are all bad.
I am rewatching Startrek Enterprise (Picard), because I watched it as a child, but it did not age well. Still better than 99% of what's out there.

That being said, I watched this (movie from Turkey) https://letterboxd.com/film/all-mixed-up-2018/
Yeah, it's a bit silly... super lightweight comedy, but I actually enjoyed that one.
The old dude with his gun is hilarious.


Hahaha that's really one of the worst movies of Turkey. These guys are not even actors, they are youtubers 😂😂 If you like that you should try Recep ivedik movies, you'll like them more 😂

Startrek is really old one and I didn't watch it yet but I'll take a look


tbh I hate Turkish series. The last one I watched is Yaprak Dökümü and stopped there. They are too out of line and mostly encouraging hate towards women especially under the "real life events" so I have a lot of reasons to hate.

Also lately I am into Bollywood and Indian series, I think they are better but of course we are selecting after loooonnnnggggg conversations and I have my biases.


What's the best Indian TV series you've ever watched? I would like to check it out, maybe I can overcome my prejudice about Indian TV series.

Well I hate Turkish TV series as well, I should write a post how they mislead people about crime, woman hate and child abuse.


We watched just 2 until now but they are Pravesh filtered so I think it is good enough. One is Pachayat(Idk about where 😂 and the other is Kota Factory (was Youtube series but Netflix has it now).


Netflix always take succesful Youtube series 😂 I'll take a look to these 2


Kanka bizim dizilerin çoğu bana çok saçma geliyor. Bu yüzden bir elin parmağını geçmez şimdiye kadar izlediğim dizi sayısı. Sadece Kurtlar vadisi, ve Ezeli izledim desem yeridir. Ortaokul yıllarında babam Arka sokaklar izlediği için mecbur bazen izliyordum. Bu sayılır mı bilmem.
Yabancı diziler benim çok dikkatimi çekiyor. La case de papel i bende izledim hem de iki defa 😂
Game of thrones u bitirebildin mi. Nasıl ilerliyor. Eminim çok sarıyordur 😄


Game of Thrones'u bitiremedim kanka, aslına bakarsan köye geldiğimden beri hiç izlemedim desem yeridir. Aslında izlemeye zamanım da oluyor ama şimdilik bir ara verdim diyelim

Bizim diziler konusunda haklısın. Ben de bahsettiğin bu iki diziyi izledim ve ikisi de bizim en iyi iki dizimiz.


Do you think the Indian drama industry is successful?

If you consider the number of viewers, sure...you can say it is very successful. But is it any good? That's debatable.

Are there any shows that you or your family follow?

The ladies in my family used to watch the daily soap operas, which is literally a brain rot lol. Now, after the pandemic... the TV drama industry took a huge hit and people are into the Web series much more. Some of the web series are impressive too.

Do you remember this infamous scene?

My grandmother used to watch this show. Even I caught some glimpse of it and trust me, I watched that scene live (with loud dramatic music) 😂

Sadly, her eyesight has gone worse now and she can see properly. Poor lady, she used to love these dramas.


Yeah I know these scene. There is actually a Turkish youtuber was talking about weirdest Indian TV series scenes, Beril probably knows him, Murat Soner.

Alright then what's your favorite web series in India?