Accepted, humour and reflection

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This is an American comedy directed by Steve Pink and starring Justin Long, Jonah Hill, Blake Lively and Lewis Black.

The story follows Bartleby ‘Bart’ Gaines (played by Justin Long), a high school student who, after being rejected by every college he applied to, finds himself in a desperate situation.

To avoid disappointing his parents and facing the reality of not having an academic future, Bart decides to set up a fake college called South Harmon Institute of Technology (SHIT).



With the help of his friends, including the eccentric and funny Sherman (Jonah Hill), Bart sets up a website and sends acceptance letters to students who have also been rejected by other institutions.

As news of the fake college spreads, a diverse group of students, each with their own stories and problems, join Bart at his new ‘institution’.

Among them is the charming and rebellious Monica (Blake Lively), who becomes Bart's love interest.

The university becomes a haven for those who don't fit into the traditional education system, and the students begin to enjoy the freedom and creativity that their new environment offers.



However, things get complicated when the fake college attracts the attention of the education authorities and the community.

Bart and his friends must face the reality of their deception and find a way to keep their institution running.

This is a film that combines humour and reflection, offering a critique of the pressure young people face in the education system, highlighting the importance of acceptance, creativity and finding a place where one can be authentic.

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