My opinion about the movie "Napoleon"
Italian-French leading man Joaquin Phoenix sends mixed signals: David Scarpa's screenplay does little to establish motivations and explain Bonaparte's passion for his beloved France; we will simply know that he is who he is, because he is who he is.
We then witness an uneven and icy "hero's journey", exacerbated by historical inconsistencies: did Josephine de Beauharnaise's son meet Bonaparte as a child? - and the noise caused by casting an American and a British woman (Vanessa Kirby as Josephine, with a British accent) in the lead roles with no Frenchman in the supporting roles. .
Scott assembled the actors he wanted to portray the famously toxic imperial couple who left their mark on world history, and the Phoenix-Kirby duo is fascinating.
Kirby is a standout alum of "The Crown" who brings a femme fatale's grace and toxic appeal to the role.
But the French cast would make this particular story even more powerful. Can you imagine Bolivar with a Spanish accent? This is where the comments come in.
There is no denying Scott's exemplary handling of dramatic tension, the impeccable direction of the actors and the visual impact of his production design.
Napoleon's few low points can't hide the fact that we're looking at a big global release later this year. That's the important thing.