Sausage Party, adult animation
The animated film "Sausage Party" directed by Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon in 2016, undoubtedly marked a before and after in the genre.
With a voice cast that includes Seth Rogen, Edward Norton, James Franco and Kristen Wiig, it posed a hilarious yet acid satire on religion and sexuality.
From its explosive and controversial beginning, it doesn't mince its words when it comes to breaking all taboos through the metaphor of supermarkets.
The ingenious graphic wager that humanises food and equates its universe to our own is irreverent to the last consequences.
Despite its crudeness and lack of filter, there is no denying its sharp intelligence in tackling controversial subjects through the prism of the absurd.
The protagonist is a wiener named Frank who dreams of living with his hot dog bun girlfriend, Brenda, in the "Great Beyond", where they are supposedly taken by buyers.
Funny and transgressive, it marked a turning point in adult animation by combining black humour and social criticism, beyond moral prejudices. An irreverent gem.