(ESP-ENG) Ao no Exorcist - The Movie Review!

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Hello friends, good vibes to all.

Hola amigos, buenas vibras para todos.


This thing of watching movies without having seen the anime before I may start implementing it even though I wasn't a big fan of this practice at first. I think it's a way to know if an anime is really worth watching and this may be one of those cases. This one in particular has 4 seasons with a fifth currently in progress, it's a pretty extensive anime and having seen the movie I'm telling you it looks pretty good. The good thing, and in part that is my concern when I watch these films, is that this movie can be seen and understood perfectly without the need to have knowledge of this universe; the characters and their contexts are easy to grasp.

Esto de ver películas sin haber visto el anime antes puede que lo empiece a implementar a pesar de que en un principio no era muy fan de esta práctica. Creo que es una forma de saber si un anime vale realmente la pena verlo y puede que este sea uno de esos casos. Este en particular tiene 4 temporadas con una quinta en curso en la actualidad, es un anime bastante extenso y habiendo visto la película les digo que tiene muy buena pinta. Lo bueno, y en parte esa es mi preocupación cuando veo estos films, es que esta película se puede ver y entender perfectamente sin necesidad de tener conocimiento de este universo; los personajes y sus contextos son fáciles de captar.

The main character of this story is Rin Okumura, a young man who is studying and preparing himself in an academy to become an exorcist for two reasons: to avenge the death of his father and because one day he discovers that he is the biological son of Satan himself, so his aversion has increased. Together with his twin brother, Yukio, they go on missions that are part of the training of this academy. One day, during a millenary festival in the city, a very particular demon appears in the form of a child that has a lot to do with a story that Rin was told when he was younger. The thing is that he should have exorcised him, but he did not, so he is entrusted to take care of him and watch over him.

Esta historia tiene como protagonista a Rin Okumura un joven que está estudiando y preparándose en una academia para ser un exorcista según entiendo por dos razones: para vengar la muerte de su padre y por qué un día él descubre que es el hijo biológico del mismo Satanás por lo que su aversión lo que hizo fue aumentar. Junto a su hermano gemelo, Yukio, van haciendo misiones que forman parte de la formación de esta academia. Un día, durante una festividad milenaria en la ciudad, aparece un demonio muy particular en forma de niño que tiene mucho que ver con un relato que le contaban a Rin cuando era más pequeño. La cosa es que debería de haberlo exorcizado pero no lo hizo por lo que le encargan cuidarlo y vigilarlo.


Rin realizes that this little demon is not as bad as many believe and at the same time she may begin to question the veracity of that story. This beyond all the supernatural and adventurous theme of the story also has a load of what friendship, betrayal, revenge and how we can be able to give value to things just by understanding the way of being and the true intentions of others. Usamaro, Rin's name for this little demon, will soon win his trust and heart by understanding once and for all the true story of that tale and what really happened.

Rin se de cuenta de que este pequeño demonio no es tan malo como muchos creer al mismo tiempo que puede que comience a cuestionar la veracidad de aquel relato. Esto más allá de todo el tema sobrenatural y aventurero que tiene la historia también tiene una carga de lo que puede significar la amistad, la traición, la venganza y de cómo podemos ser capaces de darle valor a las cosas tan solo entendiendo un poco la forma de ser y las verdaderas intenciones de los demás. Usamaro, nombre que le puso Rin a este pequeño demonio, pronto se ganará la confianza y el corazón de él entendiendo de una vez por todas las verdadera historia de aquel cuento y de lo que realmente pasó.

The movie is very cool, very entertaining because it is the typical story of the different characters that go to different parts of the city to fight with these demons that are appearing everywhere. This means that there is always something going on in the plot. There is a lot of action, adventure but there is also comedy, those interactions and dialogues that never fail and that give a genuinely funny touch to the different actions that are happening. For me, as the film progresses, it gets better and better because Usamaro's context becomes clearer, which makes empathy begin to emerge, which inevitably makes us connect more with the characters.

La película es muy cool, muy entretenida porque es la típica historia de los diferentes personajes que van a distintos puntos de la ciudad a combatir con estos demonios que van apareciendo en todos lados. Esto hace que siempre esté pasando algo en la trama. Hay mucha acción, aventura pero también hay comedia, esas interacciones y diálogos que nunca fallan y que le dan un toque genuinamente gracioso a las diferentes acciones que se van dando. Para mi a medida que va avanzando la película se va poniendo mejor porque el contexto de Usamaro se va aclarando lo que hace que la empatía empiece a salir a flote cosa que hace que inevitablemente conectemos más con los personajes.



The animation is very top notch because it is accompanied by an incredible visual work. I say this because here we see a lot of Japanese folklore, a lot of culture, customs, all these things that make what you see on screen very striking and interesting. And of course, the producer of this is the people at A-1 Pictures, one of the best houses in charge, and just to mention just one thing, Solo Leveling. It's all super fluid, good character design, I don't think anything these people do ever disappoints. When you combine the traditional with an animation to the height the result is spectacular.

La animación es muy top porque va acompañada por un trabajo visual increíble. Esto lo digo porque acá vemos mucho folklore japonés, mucha cultura, costumbres, todas estas cosas que hacen que lo que uno ve en pantalla sea muy llamativo e interesante. Y es que claro, la productora de esto es la gente de A-1 Pictures, de las mejores casas que hay encargada, y solo por mencionar una única cosa, de Solo Leveling. Es super fluido todo, buen diseño de los personajes, creo que nunca decepciona algo que haga esta gente. Cuando se combina lo tradicional con una animación a la altura el resultado es espectacular.

If you have already seen this anime you will know what you are going to find, in case you haven't, the truth is that we are facing something very good. Soon I will start watching this anime in full because I really wanted to after this film. You don't need to have seen anything to understand, it's a good option to immerse yourself in this universe. It lasts less than an hour and a half. Highly recommended. I leave the trailer here.

Si ya has visto este anime sabrás que te vas a encontrar, en caso de que no pues la verdad es que estamos ante algo muy bueno. Pronto comenzaré a ver este anime al completo porque me quedaron muchas ganas después de este film. No hace falta haber visto nada para entender, es una buena opción para sumergirte en este universo. Dura menos de hora y media. Muy recomendada la verdad. Les dejo el tráiler por acá.



Well my people that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!

Bueno mi gente por hoy es todo, espero que les haya gustado.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!

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Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!


Greetings friends, I send you a hug. The pleasure will always be mine.


Hehe,I really loved this anime! It was so so good. Lovely review btw


If it's like the movie I think I'm going to like it. It looks very good.

Thanks for the visit, greetings!


Your review perfectly conveys the excitement of discovering a story through the film before diving into the full anime. Ao no Exorcist has a strong premise starring Rin Okumura, and the film seems to perfectly capture the essence of the series with its blend of action, adventure, and comedy.

It's great that you mentioned the visuals and how A-1 Pictures manages to bring them to life with a fluid and well-crafted style. The fusion of Japanese folklore with flawless animation is always a huge plus.

Watching a film before the anime can definitely be an interesting strategy, especially when the film manages to tell a standalone story without alienating new viewers. What was your favorite moment in the film?


I will always like the scenes where they expose everything that has to do with Japanese culture, it is very rich and they know very well how to sell it in these anime and films. Beyond all the action, I like what you see of the festival and the way they designed the city, it's impressive.

It was a good idea to have seen the movie, this experiment almost never goes well.

Greetings my friend!


pues suena increíble, definitivamente va para mi lista


Está muy cool la verdad. En cualquier momento veo el anime.
