Hierarchy K-drama Review

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This week I was watching this Korean series that had a lot of hype on TikTok, many were saying that it was similar to the Elite series (which I haven't seen a single episode), I was very curious, so here I bring you a little of my opinion.

Hierarchy is about part of a population of students who belong to the 0.01 of the rich, and an educational institution especially for them called Jooshin

Esta semana me estuve viendo esta serie coreana que tuvo bastante hype en TikTok, muchos estaban diciendo que tenía un parecido a la serie de Elite (la cual no he visto ni un solo episodio), me dió mucha curiosidad, así que aquí les traigo un poco de mi opinión.

Jerarquía se trata de parte de una población de estudiantes que pertenecen al 0,01 de los ricos, y a una institución educativa especialmente para ellos llamada Jooshin

Imagen from Netflix

What is the series about in general? Well, from the first chapter and even from the tailers they show us that a scholarship student was murdered at this school and it seems like everyone was trying to cover it up, everything within this school looks quite mysterious.

¿De qué trata la serie en general? Pues desde el primer capítulo e incluso desde los tailer nos muestran que un estudiante becado fue asesinado en esta escuela y parece que todos estuvieran tratando de cubrirlo, todo dentro de esta escuela se ve bastante misterioso.

Imagen from Netflix

However, this death of this scholarship student is not going to go unpunished because his brother does everything possible to be the next scholarship exchange student to enter that school to find out what really happened there.

Sin embargo esta muerte de este estudiante becado no se va a quedar impune pues su hermano hace todo lo posible por ser el siguiente alumno de intercambio becado que ingrese a esa escuela para averiguar que fue lo que realmente sucedió allí.


The brother's entry allows us to see what happens inside this school for rich children, and the truth is that there are abuses of power, bullying, drugs, classism and much more, and each chapter reveals one more piece about what happened with this boy's brother but also in the background a forbidden romance seems to be brewing.

La entrada del hermano nos permite ver qué sucede dentro de esta escuela para niños ricos, y la verdad es que sí hay abusos de poder, bullying, drogas, clasismo y mucho más, y cada capítulo nos va revelando una pieza más sobre lo que pasó con el hermano de este chico pero también en segundo plano pareciera estarse armando un romance prohibido.

Imagen from Netflix

I can't talk so much about this series because it is a fairly short series, it only has 7 episodes, and to continue talking is saying it all, lol. I want to start by saying that, even though I have not seen Elite, the series with which they are comparing it, I can still say that it is not similar, perhaps the aesthetics and the concept are similar but the way things are shown here are more subtle, at least with the case of drugs, alcohol, parties and lack of control that I have seen, which is why Elite is characteristic, in addition to its controversies and secrets. The difference in this series is that not everyone knows everyone's secrets, and even though someone actually died most had no idea that he had been murdered and not an accident.

I would say that I didn't like this series as much as I thought, I really set quite a few expectations and they weren't met. One of the things I was hoping to see was drama and action, however, it seemed like in the middle of the story a love story was starting and I really didn't want to see that, I wasn't interested in seeing love, I wanted to see chaos and revenge.

But really not everything is so bad because there is something that must be understood is that Korean series always try to bring everything as a learning to a closure where many can have a happy ending and create a kind of awareness about it, in addition to show a reality that not everyone considers, for example, thinking that because people are extremely millionaires they have no problems or always live happily. And well, it's one thing to tell you and another thing is for you to watch this series.

No puedo hablar tanto de esta serie porque es una serie bastante corta tiene solamente 7 episodios, y seguir hablando es decirlo todo, lol. Quiero comenzar diciendo qué, a pesar de que no he visto Elite la serie con la cual la están comparando puedo aún así decir que no se parece, quizá la estética y el concepto sean similares pero la forma en que se muestran las cosas aquí son más sutiles, al menos con el caso de drogas, alcohol, fiestas y descontrol que he visto por lo cual es característico Elite, además de sus controversias y secretos. La diferencia de esta serie es que no todos saben los secretos de todo, y a pesar de que alguien murió realmente la mayoría no tenían idea de que había sido asesinado y no un accidente.

Yo diría que esta serie no me gustó tanto como pensé, realmente puse bastante expectativas y no fueron cumplidas. Una de las cosas que esperaba ver era el drama y la acción, sin embargo, parecía que en medio de la historia se estaba empezando una historia de amor y realmente no quería ver eso, no estaba interesada en ver el amor, quería ver descontrol y venganza.

Pero realmente no todo es tan malo porque hay algo que hay que entender es que las series coreanas siempre tratan como de llevar todo como a un aprendizaje a un cierre donde muchos puedan tener un final feliz y crear una especie de conciencia al respecto, además de mostrar una realidad que no todos consideran, por ejemplo, pensar que por las personas ser extremadamente millonarias no tienen problemas o viven siempre feliz. Y bueno, una cosa es contartelo y otra cosa es que tú veas esta serie.

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I thought I was the only one expecting to see more of revenge plots and scenes.


Sister, I understand you, I felt like it was half empty, devoid of life.


Interesting how this trope is coming back and I haven't watched it since Bitch X Rich was so bad.


It's really very bad, it disappoints and doesn't fulfill what it promises in the trailer.