RE: (ENG/SPA) Eyes Wide Shut We all have Masks Classic Review
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Nos ofreces una reseña bien planteada (aunque con unas fallas en la escritura en español) acerca de este filme, el último de ese gigante del cine que fue el estadounidense-inglés Stanley Kubrick. Es uno de mis directores favoritos y creo haber visto casi toda su obra. En español la frase es "cine de autor", pues eso fue Kubrick, un autor, condición que ya prácticamente ha desaparecido (claro, siguen quedando algunos como Wenders, Anderson, etc.) con esa fábrica masificada y meramente comercial de los últimos años. Saludos, @promete0sz.
I think this is the third one I've seen from him, just in Max they have several of his filmography and it's an enjoyment to finally be able to see them, you can even notice his strength and character through the production haha 😅. That, Auteur Cinema 😃 and you can see he does that in many of his works because Odyssey in Space 2001 also conveys a message for that time with a lot of controversy.
I consider myself lucky to be able to watch this without spoilers, I've avoided them over the years haha and enjoy everything it has to offer, the next one I want to see is A Clockwork Orange, I like that the director puts the neurons to work if or yes of his viewers
2001: odisea del espacio es, quizás, su obra máxima. La naranja mecánica es uno de sus más importantes filmes; es muy fuerte. También recomendaría Barry Lyndon y El resplandor.
The Shining I saw it haha when I was little besides the references in The Simpsons and its sequel, entertaining that play that also offers more details of conspiracy with Apollo etc.
Noted Barry Lyndon, I have to see if it's in Max I'm just going to rent Max today and I'll leave it to watch when I do another Kubrick marathon 😃