A Walk on the Sunny Side of the Street! - Gothenburg - The Language of the City 2021 05 08

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Welcome Beautiful May!

Hello all Hive friends!
Spring is approaching and it's time to go on the sunny side of the street.
The openings at Gothenburg's galleries will soon be over for this season. Now there is only one really big gallery weekend left and that is the 15th of May.
The city's public gallery and museeum have also reopened their gates to visitors so we can hope that it will soon return to normal.
Tomorrow I will return with the traditional gallery Tour "The Art Gallery Tour in Gothenburg", which is the 14th for this season.

Hej alla Hive vänner!
Våren är annalkande och det är dags att gå på den soliga sidan av gatan.
Vernissagerna hos Göteborgs gallerier är snart över för den här säsongen. Nu återstår bara en stor gallerihelg och det är den 15:e maj.
Staden offentliga gallerier och museum har också öppnat sina portar igen för besökarna så vi kan hoppas att det snart kommer att återgå till det normala.
I morgon återkommer jag med den traditionella gallerirunda "Art Gallery Tour", som är den 14:e för den här säsongen.









Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
You can also follow me on Instagram;
and on Steemit;

Links to Galleries and Museums
The museum Amos Rex - Helsingfors, Finland
Moderna Museet - Stockholm
Lousianna - Humlebæk, Denmark

ATG 21 bcd.jpg

Photographic Links

ersen.se/ and a movie by Stefan Bladh. Anders Pedersen - Utan längtan ingen bild. https://www.svtplay.se/video/22672306/utan-langtan-ingen-bild-anders-petersen
Christer Strömholm; https://www.stromholm.com/
Stig Albansson; https://www.stigalbansson.se/ and on Instagram
Valérie Belin; https://valeriebelin.com/


If you like fractals, you can also visit these addresses; @see5staar and @rndness222


An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was, Saxofonisten som försvann.

The musician and songwriter Håkan Wetterbro

Håkan Wetterbro - Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen/E.Y. Harburg)

Photographs by Morgan Carlsson

Gothenburg SilverLights - Lovers Come - War - and Vägval

Art and Photography

Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet https://moderskeppet.se/kunskap/bildbehandling/kunskap/digital-bildbehandling/

Literature - Movies - Music

Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren. You can read it here, try this address; http://www.fritenkaren.se/
and his complete poems October Harvest. You can buy it here; https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Christian+Lanciai&ref=nb_sb_noss
Christian 2006bcd.jpg
Owner /editor and responsible publisher Magnus Christian Aurelio Lanciai to the Magazine Fritänkaren.

Thanks For Watching!

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