WURA: The Blood-Thirsty Gold hunt

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Movies are some of the biggest distractions but we love them all the same 🙂

Not everyone loves them but for those that do, we learn to acknowledge well produced and well acted movies and thats why i will be acknowledgeding this ShowMax's first original telenovela by the name WURA.

The movie is a localised adaptation of the south African telenovela by the name "The River". The movie is captivating, intriguing and honestly a good watch with lots of reality and life lessons to pick out.

I'm not normally a fan of series. But why?
Its hard to fight them off. I end up moving to the next episode even after i said i would stop🥲.
I know that happens to you too right.
Well thats rhe work of suspense and when it comes to suspense, WURA gave her A game for Drama suspense.
Despite the fact that there had been a general blackout in the country and hence no electricity. I have used my last 10% to watch WURA.

Dont blame me 😢
I will tell you a little about this series and why you would love it too.
Wura Amoo Adeleke is the CEO of Frontline Goldmine. Like she owns her own goldmine 😲. She is the wife of the commissioner of police in the country and has two children. She is ambitious and seeks to succeed at all costs. Wura is set in a local community by the name Iperindo.

At the beginning, her mine is about closing down because thry are no more able to find any gold. She is oweing lots of creditors and has to announce to her workers that she would have to lay off some of them.
The community leader and most senior mine worker talks back, complaining that she would be unjust to lay them off after she had promised to build them houses. That she must give them all she had promised.

She then says he would be the first to be sacked. The other miners almost begin a protest until this man by the name Pa Olusegun Kuti stops them saying that they would sue her to court. He later gets back home and takes his tools and goes off to the farm.

While washing up at the river by his farm, he finds a big piece of gold and takes it to mrs Wura. He knows the gold would be a fortune to her collapsing company. He also makes her make a deal that he would show her where he found the gold if she made all the mine workers share holders.
She agrees and he takes her to the side of the river
Unsuspectingly, Wura picks up a stone, hirs his head and he bleeds and falls into the river. she then suffocates him to death.
With her was her cousin, Jeje who tries to stop her but to no avail. They leave his dead body inside the river and take the piece of gold.

The family of Pa Kuto search aimlessly for their father only to find his dead bosy being carried away by the police. Everyone believes that he hit his head and drowned.

Wura tries to cover ger tracks by paying for the funeral and continuing with her life
Femi the son of her house keeper Labake and secret lover of her gay son Lolu finds her customised gold earrings that fell off by the side of the river and begins to gather information till he finds out exactly what happened that day.

He then uses this knowledge and evidence to blackmail them for money and hence they try to kill him. After escaping a fire burn and a bombblast, he goes off to a police officer who exposes him to Wura. Jeje shoots him, thinking he his dead. He struggles to make it to Pa kuti's house where he finally dies. His death words where to Tuminuni Pa kuti's adopted daughter who is truly Wura's first daughter. He tells her that Wura killed her father.

She therefore sets out to discover what exactly happened on the day her father dies.

Wura has the themes of murder, wickedness, family, poverty and greed, love and so on

Its a must watch for any movie lover.

Lets find out if Wura will also burn her first fruit Tumi to death in order to keep her secret or if she will rot in jail.

Watch Wura only on ShowMax.

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