The Rise Of The Greatest In Sports —Review Of Air (2023)
I'm not a basketball fan so I watched this recent release solely because of the ensemble cast; and my interest in how Michael Jordan achieved the status of the greatest player and athlete in the world. It's interesting to know that this film generated much excitement within its first week of release, especially for basketball fans and sneakers enthusiasts.
Directed by Ben Affleck, I had high hopes for this film and they weren't dashed much. Air (2023) is a biographical sports film of how Michael Jordan, a popular basketball player, was signed up thereby making Nike, a shoe/sports company, into a multinational corporate giant.
The film begins with a scene where the staff of Nike meet to decide on the next player to sign up. Sonny Vaccaro, the marketing executive of Nike, (played by Matt Damon) suggests they sign Michael Jordan, a young basketball player with potential, for the full budget of $250,000. This met with resistance from Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike, (played by Ben Affleck) and Rob Strasser, another executive of Nike, (played by Jason Bateman).
David Falk, the sports agent for the player, (played by Chris Messina) informs Sonny that their rivals, Converse and Adidas, has more money to offer and will most likely get Jordan. But Sonny declares he has a 'feeling' that Nike will get Jordan.
Against all odds and at the risk of losing his job, Sonny drives to Jordan’s family home in North Carolina to speak with Jordan's family behind the agent and lawyers. You'll have to watch this film to know if Sonny succeeds in this risky mission.
Everyone knows Michael Jordan. So viewers already know the ending before they watch yet the cast's acting, the tension and suspense add up to create an excellent visual experience. The script is well written by Alex Convery to illuminate the lessons that faith, works and risks can get a man the world.
I'm impressed with the storytelling of how Nike wins Jordan over, despite the stiff competition from their richer rivals, with an innovative idea—making a pair of sneakers around the iconic player. I think this move and Sonny's incredible speech that "Michael Jordan will be remembered forever" are brilliant.
Air is a fine film worth watching, especially for the diehard fans of basketball and sports in general. The pace was slow for the first thirty minutes and I almost got bored. Then it picks up to a satisfying climax as Sonny convinces Jordan's mother, Deloris (played by Viola Davis), to let them sign her son.
The acting is impressive and the cast's chemistry is great, especially between Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Jason Bateman. The scene that captivates me most is the incredible speech by Matt Damon when Jordan and his family met with Nike. It's a touching and remarkable speech about his belief in Michael Jordan's talent, skill and greatness. If I was an upcoming player too, I would totally believe Matt Damon and sign up with Nike.
Another impressive act is by Viola Davis. Her scenes are few but her impact is compelling. Her performance gives the film the missing emotional touch. I like that her character is solid, comfortable and in charge of the situation. The focus is on her as the matriarch who decides the future of her son and she handled the part perfectly. Her business and negotiating skills are second to none!
The one part I was not happy with was young Michael Jordan's silence the entire film. We couldn't see his face and neither was he given a speaking part. In some biographical flicks, the protagonist or subject of the film is allowed a cameo appearance. Air didn't feature both the actor and the real Michael Jordan.
Overall, this film though old-fashioned since it happened in the mid-1980s, is entertaining and worth watching.
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Other images are screenshots from the movie