Still Not Lost

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I wrote a post about Lost a few weeks ago, and I said that me and Aimee were both enjoying it. Well, I'm back to say that we're very much still enjoying the show.

We're now on the 4th season, and while there are some things to do with the show's story which leaves us both scratching our heads from time to time, we're still enjoying it and think it's great.


Character Development

This show has given us some great characters, who in some way shape or form have had fairly bad lives before reaching this island. Either criminals, addicts, trapped in marriages, or betrayed their families; or had their families betray them... hell, one of the guys was literally cursed for god sake. But, since coming to the island, all of these misfits have formed close friendships and bonds with one another.

Now in the fourth season, however, they have kind of broken off into two separate factions. In shows of this nature, you can't just sit stagnating, there has to be conflict.

In the early seasons, the major conflict between characters was the love triangle between Jack, Sawyer and Kate, or the distrust of Locke, or the addiction problems of Charlie. Also, the overhanging fear of the "Others," where are now, however, the Others have more or less been dealt with, and since there is no one else to fight it seems that the characters had no choice but to turn on each other.

One group kind of wants to stay, and the other wants to continue to work towards leaving.

Seeing how each of these people has grown has been so interesting to watch, and I have to say, the creators have done a great job of making some very grounded, believable, and well-written people.


Mysteries and Physics

Some weird stuff has happened recently, there are some new people on the island and one of them used to be a physics professor. He seems to know some stuff about the island, and from what I can tell it's somehow stuff somewhere slightly out of normal time. I'm not 100% but by the look of it, you need to enter this island at a specific angle and also leave at that same specific angle, otherwise, problems can occur.

I think one place where I can assume a general audience would fall off and get... Lost... see what I did there? I'm sorry.

Is when the idea of physics, and time travel. I'm not saying I'm smart or anything, but I am following the story and I don't think they leave too much up to the imagination and instead make sure to explain things in a way that keeps the audience engaged and informed of what's going on.

Maybe when this was on TV and people would watch it with a week between episodes, maybe it was harder to follow, but watching it consecutively and in quick succession it has been fairly easy to keep up with it.

It's not as confusing as I heard, and in fact, I enjoy it more so for the characters rather than the weird story of this strange island. In saying that though, I do really like being kept on my toes, always wondering what's around the corner.

All in all, we're enjoying it and are quickly approaching the end.

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"Lost" was my favorite series for several of its seasons, but I found it progressively less appealing. I had high expectations for its final season anyway, and I can tell you that it is my current Trauma along with the end of GOT.

But it has its defenders, I hope that you and your partner are among them and that you really enjoy it. I will be waiting for your post about the season finale to see what you thought of it.

I think like you, that the characters, their stories and their arcs, are more interesting than

Greetings @killerwot