Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic - The Different Circles Of Hell And Different Character Designs [ENG -ESP]

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Something that often generates doubts is whether an animation counts as anime or not, the main factor is whether it was animated or developed in Asian countries such as Japan, China, Korea or others, or instead in the United States. But the interesting thing comes when both styles are combined and we have a work produced by several directors among them Korean and even distributed in Japan by Manga Entertainment. The result is a film that at times looks like an anime style and at others more like a cinematic or animated film. This movie is Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic.


This movie, although it is about the famous literary work of Dante's Inferno, The Divine Comedy. The same is inspired by the video game based on the book, for this reason many things vary based on the book, it is also normal that many aspects of the video game are not the same in the anime, making that for those who read the divine comedy, the difference of the story is incredibly high, Another aspect that makes the story change a lot is the length of the movie, which is almost an hour and a half, for this reason to explain or narrate in detail each circle of hell and the people who appear is impossible, it would take an anime with at least one season for each circle to achieve a good development of the story.


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For those who have not read or heard anything about Dante's Inferno, the story is based on Dante, a knight of the crusades who after losing his beloved, meets the gates of hell and must go through all the circles of hell guided by a famous poet Virgil to reach his beloved, in this film must overcome demons and damned to reach save the soul of his beloved and ensure that she can ascend to heaven where she belongs.


A very strange and even annoying aspect is the design of Dante and Virgil, I'm not sure if it was a directive decision or simply that they decided to animate the movie between several studios and different sites and then put everything together, but in several occasions between parts of the story, the design of the characters changes completely, it can feel like you are watching different movies and what can be complicated is to maintain the continuity of the story, at some points there are memories of the past and sins of Dante, but if just has happened the design change, you can doubt if it is Dante or some other character.


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I think the main problem of this movie is undoubtedly its speed in telling the story, everything moves very fast and without much explanation, if you have never played the video game or read the book several things may not understand them very well or simply do not understand anything, also the battles and moments of action, although they manage to be entertaining and even a little exciting, are very accelerated making the battles end very quickly and can not be enjoyed, it's a shame considering how bloody and exciting they could be every battle in this adventure.


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The development of Dante is such that, although it is told quickly, it achieves the goal of feeling for him, but unlike the typical protagonists with whom you feel empathy and affection as the story progresses, with Dante the opposite happens, as you advance through hell and his sins are shown you realize that he was a wretch and all his sins are worthy of spending eternity in hell, Despite this Dante does not seek forgiveness or excuses for his actions, he simply accepts them and even has no remorse for committing other dark acts in order to achieve his goal of saving his beloved who was innocent, in the end although you do not sympathize with Dante, he becomes a character that you do not hate.


The animation in Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic is one of its best aspects, although the change of design for the main characters can be annoying, in the end each design as well as all the enemies and elements of the film are very well worked and with a very striking result, no doubt manages to capture very well that aspect of pain, suffering and atrocity that you can imagine when thinking about the circles of hell and all the beings who suffer and inhabit it. Really striking designs with very intense colors and full of contrast that generate a great atmosphere of the hellish landscapes that Dante must go through.


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Although you might think it's a shame that such an incredible story was wasted by telling it in such a short time, in the end it manages to be a different movie, with quite strong scenes and entertaining, some aspects of the battles can feel like abuses of the power of the script, especially the final battles, but I do not know if they are the same in the video game, if you have read the book you will notice many changes in concepts that can be a little annoying, but nothing serious, and if you did not know this great story, this movie can help you to decide to read one of the greatest literary works in history.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
All Images Are Screenshots Of My Monitor

Mike Disa
Shūkō Murase
Yasuomi Umetsu
Victor Cook
Jong-Sik Nam
Kim Sang-jin
Lee Seung-Gyu

Separator Images:
1. Source2. Source3. Source


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Algo que muchas veces suele genera dudas es sobre si una animación cuenta como anime o no, el principal factor es si fue animado o desarrollado en países asiáticos como Japon, China, Corea u otros, o en su lugar en Estados Unidos. Pero lo interesante llega cuando ambos estilos se combinan y tenemos una obra producida por varios directores entre ellos coreanos e incluso distribuida en Japon por Manga Entertainment. El resultado es una película que por momento parece un estilo de anime y en otros más una cinemática o película animada. Esta película se trata de Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic.


Esta película, aunque se trata de la famosa obra literaria del Infierno de Dante, La divina comedia. La misma esta inspirada en el videojuego basado en el libro, por este motivo muchas cosas varían en base al libro, además es normal que muchos aspectos del videojuego no sean igual en el anime, haciendo que para aquellos que leímos la divina comedia, la diferencia de la historia sea increíblemente alta, además otro aspecto que hace modificar mucho la historia es la duración de la película, la cual es de casi hora y media, por este motivo explicar o narrar de forma detallada cada círculo del infierno y los persones que aparecen es imposible, haría falta un anime con minino una temporada por cada circulo para lograr un buen desarrollo de historia.


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Para quienes no hayan leído o escuchado nada acerca del infierno de dante, la historia se basa en Dante, un caballero de las cruzadas quien luego de perder a su amada, se encuentra con las puertas del infierno y deberá recorre todos los círculos del infierno guiado de un famoso poeta Virgilio para poder llegar hasta su amada, en esta película deberá vencer a demonios y condenados para alcanzar salvar el alma de su amada y asegurar que ella pueda ascender al cielo en donde pertenece.


Un aspecto muy extraño y hasta molesto es el diseño de Dante y Virgilio, no estoy seguro si fue una decisión directiva o simplemente que decidieron animar la película entre varios estudios y sitios diferentes y luego juntar todo, pero en varias ocasiones entre partes de la historia, el diseño de los personajes cambia completamente, puede sentirse como que estás viendo películas diferentes y lo que puede resultar complicado es mantener la continuidad de la historia, en algunos puntos hay recuerdos del pasado y pecados de Dante, pero si justo ha sucedido el cambio de diseño, puedes dudar si se trata de Dante o algún otro personaje.


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Creo que el principal problema de esta película es sin dudas su velocidad al contar la historia, todo avanza muy rápido y sin mucha explicación, si nunca has jugado el videojuego o leído el libro varias cosas puede que no las entiendas muy bien o simplemente no entiendas nada, además también las batallas y momentos de acción, aunque consiguen ser entretenido y hasta un poco emocionantes, son muy acelerados haciendo que las batallas terminen muy rápido y no se puedan disfrutar, es una pena considerando lo sangrientas y emocionantes que podrían ser cada batalla en esta aventura.


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El desarrollo de Dante es tal que, aunque sea contado rápido, consigue el objetivo de sentir sentimiento por él, pero a diferencia de los típicos protagonistas con quienes sientes empatía y cariño según avanza la historia, con Dante pasa todo lo contario, según avance por el infierno y se muestren sus pecados te das cuenta que eran un desgraciado y todos sus pecados son dignos de pasar la eternidad en el infierno, a pesar de esto Dante no busca perdón o excusas de sus actos, simplemente los acepta e incluso no tiene remordimiento de cometer otros actos oscuros con tal de lograr su objetivo de salvar a su amada quien si era inocente, al final aunque no simpatizas con Dante, se vuelve un personaje que no odias.


La animación en Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic es de sus mejores aspectos, aunque el cambio de diseño para los protagonistas puede ser molesto, al final cada diseño asi como el de todos los enemigos y elementos de la película están muy bien trabajados y con un resultado muy llamativo, sin dudas logra captar muy bien ese aspecto de dolor, sufrimiento y atrocidad que se puede imaginar al pensar en los círculos del infierno y todos los seres quienes sufre y habitan en el mismo. Diseños realmente impactantes con colores muy intensos y llenos de contraste que generan un gran ambiente de los infernales paisajes que debe atravesar Dante.


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Aunque se podría pensar que es una lástima que tan increíble historia fuera desperdiciada al contarla en tan poco tiempo, al final logra ser una película diferente, con escenas bastante fuertes y entretenida, algunos aspectos de las batallas pueden sentirse como abusos del poder del guion, en especial las batallas finales, pero desconozco si las mismas sean igual en el videojuego, si has leído el libro notaras muchos cambios en conceptos que pueden ser un poco molestos, pero nada grave, y si no conocías esta gran historia, esta película puede servirte para decidirte a leer una de las mayores obras literarias de la historia.


All Images Are Screenshots Of My Monitor

Mike Disa
Shūkō Murase
Yasuomi Umetsu
Victor Cook
Jong-Sik Nam
Kim Sang-jin
Lee Seung-Gyu

Separator Images:
1. Source2. Source3. Source

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I've always had a lot of interest in the divine comedy, I think it's a story that has a lot of opportunities to be used in a good way, but 1 hour and a half is too little time to develop deep plots of the 9 circles of hell and so on.

It's certainly hard to decipher what kind of animation this movie has, but I think it's pretty fluid.

Thanks for sharing!


this is a great work, I was lucky to read it with an edition that brought page notes to understand several things, but in truth a single movie for hell seemed short to me, although the work also includes purgatory and parasium, each one is very extensive for a short time.

the amination is quite good and it looks very good :D


Maybe they made it super fast to attract the attention and interest of the public to play the game or read the book, many times it's a marketing strategy, but if it's not like that, what a shame haha 😂

What if the animation is brutal 😍


hahahaha who knows, or they just made several designs of Dante and Virgil but in the end they didn't decide which ones to use so they put them all hahaha


This was very loosely based on the book and I personally watched this just around last week. As someone who reads the book and different literature of this work, I simply didn't notice any difference in terms of the graphic style. Just like you said,perhaps because I read the book, I sort of understood everything and I didn't need a background information.

Even in the literary works itself, everything moves really fast between one canto to another. This was just the "inferno" and Dante's original work is a lot more than the inferno, there's purgatory and paradiso. So, that's why I think an hour was quite enough just to animate the circles of hell.

What surprised me though, this was made by EA. I never really thought they would make an animation like that. From what I read, in Japan anime is simply all animated works despite its origin and style. But we, outside japan thinks that anime refers to just something made/origin in japan.


I understood and knew many things from reading the book, but for others it may have some things, although it's not necessary to understand the movie.

of course each book has 33 cantos, hell, purgatory and paradise, but even if it was only hell for my taste it was too little time, I feel that some circles in the work are deepened more and especially here there are hardly mentions and encounters with historical beings or interacting with dante, even to have included so much detail would make the movie heavy.

in truth this movie from what I saw is made by many people hahaha, many companies and directors worked on it and I don't know if that affected the different character designs.


se ve buena, la animación esta genial, lo tendré en cuenta para verlo jeje buen post!

looks good, the animation is great, I'll keep it in mind to watch it hehe good post!


esta muy interesante y algunas escenas logran ser muy cruda y emocionaste :D

it's very interesting and some scenes manage to be very raw and emotional :D


Wow! No sabía que existía una adaptación animada de esta famosa obra. Bueno, es una película, así que e normal que no la haya escuchado nunca. Si es cierto que al ser una obra literaria famosa, aunque fueran inspirados en el videojuego, hubiera sido mejor que extendieran la historia, tipo hacer una serie de varios capítulos (aunque me imagino que no tenían suficiente presupuesto para eso) y así haber hecho un mejor trabajo. Pero bueno, como no la he visto aún no puedo decir ni afirmar nada.

Excelente sugerencia y reseña.


me hubiera encantado que fuera un anime con al menos 24 capitulos, hubiera dado para crear muy bien cada escena :D. de igual manera la pelicula es bastante buena y su animacion es genial aunque un poco extraño que cambie la forma de dante jaja

i would have loved it to be an anime with at least 24 chapters, it would have given to create very well each scene :D. anyway the movie is pretty good and its animation is great although a little strange that dante's form changes haha.


The story of Dante's Inferno is one of the top stories in literature and to see that there is an anime movie of it took me by surprise, I really didn't know anything about this film.

It's a pity what you say that everything is very rushed, certainly there are aspects of the book that have to be understood very carefully. Anyway I'm going to look for it to take a look, I think it's worth it.

Thanks for the recommendation!


it is undoubtedly a pillar of literature, when i read it i was amazed and many times i had to read whole songs again to better understand everything. the story of the movie is attached to the video game but in the end it is very interesting and with good moments to see, i don't know if there is also a movie about purgatory and paradise, i doubt it since i think the game is only about hell.


It sounds like a pretty unique blend, although I understand that the speed of the story may leave many confused.... It seems to me that character design is a key point. Thanks for sharing!


the designs are very well done, for this aspect it is quite interesting and worth seeing :D