RE: Review | A perfect pairing (2022) | Romance and comedy movie[ENG-ESP]

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Necesito ver este madiraje, el ambiente se ve relajante y la trama tal como lo dices se nota que es de esas que enamoran, solo de leer tu reseña puedo imaginar muchas cosas interesantes y entretenidas. Gracias por la recomendación amiga 😃

I need to see this madiraje, the atmosphere looks relaxing and the plot as you say it is noticeable that it is one of those that fall in love, just reading your review I can imagine many interesting and entertaining things. Thanks for the recommendation friend 😃

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Súper recomendado, de verdad tienes que darte la oportunidad de echarle un vistazo, gracias por dejar tu valioso comentario, saludos.

Super recommended, you really have to give you the opportunity to take a look, thanks for leaving your valuable comment, greetings.