Avengers versus Xmen

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Is Avengers and XMen happening?

I just don’t see it happening.. currently the Avengers don’t even exist in universe as it’s just independent heroes that don’t even come help out each other. Just consult via holograms.


Then after secret wars, I’m pretty sure there will be a major death or people too old to continue their characters for another 10 years while the X-Men are being introduced. Besides cameos like in The Marvels, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any headline X-men movies til 2027 or 2028 then they need origin stories or some introduction as to why the Avengers are at odds with the X-Men and the likelihood of a AvX wouldn’t be til 2030 or later.

The only plausible way for a near X-Men vs Avengers would be with the incursions that should start happening as Secret Wars approaches and it’s a world of mutants (the fox universe) thats colliding with the MCU and they battle it out but ultimately the universes merge and X-men are brought to MCU… just I’d think everyone would be thinking they’d be recasting the characters rather than using the fox universe casting, besides secret wars cameos for fan service, to be younger to get another 15+ years of story telling.

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