Why Neuman can't pop homelander's head (the boys)

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For those who don’t understand why Neuman cannot pop Homelander’s head, Gen V explains her powers better.

Neuman actually doesn’t pop body parts as a main effect, but as a side one. Her superpowers are about manipulating blood. She concentrates blood pressure in the area she wants exploded. Supes are injected by compound V, but the latter doesn’t merge with their DNA, it simply runs along their blood. And therefore, their blood cells retain their default biological and biochemical properties. Thats why Neuman’s daughter was born human, and that’s why she can pop human and supe alike.

Homelander, however, is different. Compound V simply doesn’t run along his blood. It’s merged with his DNA, and therefore, his blood cells’ biological and biochemical attributes have morphed into something that’s beyond Neuman’s manipulation abilities.

Basically, every supe has superpowers, but Homelander and Ryan are the only ones who have actual supe blood.

That being said, her eyes show the she tried to pop Homelander’s head as a reflex in the interview. It just didn’t work.
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