The Great Taking – Documentary (2023) [eng/срп] Велика отимачина – документарац (2023)

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Source / Извор: Expose News

David Rogers Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone…

I’m again posting a several links to minimize the possibility of censorship, since this is one of those documentaries that you must see if you want to understand where the World is going:

Дејвид Роџерс Веб открива систем који су централни банкари успоставили како би отели све од свакога…

Поново постављам неколико линкова како би се умањила могућност цензуре, јер ово је један од оних документарних филмова које морате видети уколико желите да разумете куда иде свет:

The Great Taking. Duration / Трајање: 1:11:56 (енг)

The Great Taking at Rumble. Duration / Трајање: 1:11:56 (енг)


The Great Taking at CHD.TV. Duration / Трајање: 1:11:56 (енг)


The Great Taking at Bastyon. Duration / Трајање: 1:11:56 (енг)


And here, courtesy of our @rocket47, you can also find a link to the book The Great Taking in English:

А овде, захваљујући нашем @rocket47, можете наћи и линк на књигу Велика отимачина на енглеском језику:

Read online or Download:
The Great Taking

Still no Serbian translation…

Још увек без српског превода…

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


The word "taking" is too soft. "Theft" is a more accurate term.


Thank you for posting this video, I'm about 7 minutes in and I'm already captivated. This guy has a unique vantage point that few ever have and he's warning us of something most people would say could never happen. We're entering into a time where things that could never happen are happening.


Thank you for taking time to watch it, @ironshield.


Worth it. Hearing "you will own nothing and be happy" it's easy to laugh off... until hearing this guy explain how it can and likely will be done in the coming years. It's a psychological operation, even bigger than the plandemic. Get into people's heads and convince them they're now rock bottom poor, the system has collapsed... tap here, pay for your groceries, quick and easy LOAN, problem solved. It won't take long before everyone (rich and poor, slave and free) will be marked like cattle, worshiping their financial savior for keeping them fed, even if it is meal worms.

I found these quotes fascinating:

"This is largely being done unconsciously, that the end result of this has not really been fully understood by the participants, and that perhaps even the people at the very top of this do not understand what is about to happen and that they will be destroyed by their own hand if they do this."

"it is literally insane to actually do this, because no one wants this, and the people who inherited this ownership layer at the very top, they did not design this, they did not put it in motion. They have allowed the juggernaut to continue. There's been no pruning in the garden, there's been no oversight. It's literally never been looked at, never been checked. It's basically run out of control, unconsciously. So we have to make it conscience."

"I have known people pretty high in the system, I have this idea that people are intimidating if you have not met them, but once you've met them you see that they are just people. I think we have to understand that these are just people. They are not lizards eating babies like potato chips, that is not helpful to think of it that way. They are actually NOT particularly capable people."


The legacy of Kissinger leaves us facing the prospect of owning nothing, and the massive inflation of the money supply (that continues to accelerate today) enables the immediate beneficiaries of that inflation to deliver their fiction of debt in exchange for actual goods. This prospect outlined by Webb is the details of how the actual seizure of assets will be effected.

The solution is, as I have continually preached, to become a producer of such assets with means of production we ourselves own - free and clear - and create an alternative to dependence on overlords that intend to use that dependence to enslave us by withholding necessities until we capitulate in order to gain the necessities requisite to survive.



The only solution @valued-customer, is forceful removal of global financial plutocracy. Otherwise, they will never let us live. It’s a survival matter.


"...removal of global financial plutocracy."

How does that enable you and I, on different continents, to continue to enjoy the blessings of civilization, rather than starve and suffer the end of our genes?


Very good of you to put this up here. I have been wanting to get to it and it was nice to watch it from my go-to platform.

We can be sure that the youtube link will be a grey box in no time though. That should be their motto, "YouTube, filling the internet with broken video links."